单词 exacerbate 例句大全,用单词exacerbate造句:

The other bit of data was that sleep disruption may actually exacerbate, make worse the mental illness state.
其他关于睡眠失调的数据 实际上可能 会加剧精神疾病。
Also, fatty tissue could be soaking up some of the inflammation compounds that exacerbate the breathing issues.
The frequent start and stop of the unit and the variational load would exacerbate the ullage of the units life.
The psychological effects often exacerbate health problems that the physiological stress response has already caused.
Anteromedial or anterocentral bone impingement owing to osteophytes at the anterior ankle joint can exacerbate the condition.
For example, the subsidization of certain sectors can exacerbate fiscal burdens and lead to distortions in economic activity.
Formulated especially for those with an oilier complexion, this lightweight formula will not exacerbate puffiness in the eye area.
特别适用于油性皮肤, 其轻柔成分不会加重眼部皮肤的负担。

单词 exacerbate 释义

  • 单词释义:使恶化;使加重;激怒  [更多..]



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