单词 eventually 例句大全,用单词eventually造句:

No matter how good an aid organization is at what they do, they eventually have to go home.
不管一个救援组织多么出色 他们最终还是得回家
But eventually, they began to uniformly adopt this system of whats called Octave duplication.
Due to its shortage of fund and poor management, this airline company eventually closed down.
Light bounces around within the wires and is eventually absorbed when it at the correct angle.
光线在硅线内部反射, 直至达到正确角度被吸收。
His constant attempts to diminish His colleagues achievements eventually caused His dismissal.
他一再试图贬低同事的成绩, 终于导致被辞职。
Because acute of amount of near future project is decreased, this grab eventually unused rise.
由于近期工程量得锐减, 这台挖掘机终于闲置起来。
Eventually the packages slide down a chute to be placed into a bag or an airfreight container.
最终, 这些货物沿着传送带进入带子或空运集装箱。
The influence of her surroundings made her love the stage and eventually she became an actress.
The drops fed fears in industry and academia that US competitiveness would eventually be harmed.
However, the agreement provides an opportunity to marginalize and eventually stop such violence.
Brew long already Beijing ferry airport stepping the one pace of a materiality eventually jointly.
This had eventually resulted in what the Freudians are accustomed to describe as a psychic sex scar.
这样, 结果造成了弗洛伊德学派通常说的那种性心理的创伤。
It is the time when you eventually get the acceptation from the one who you have wooed for several times.
The company will eventually make money from referral fees and revenuesharing affiliate programs with gyms.
And the activists are hoping that keeping up the pressure will eventually force the military to oblige them.
After years of arduous negotiation, China was eventually admitted to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
The popular participation in the government initiatives was insignificant which eventually affected the outcome.
But understanding that eventually faith and hope will be realized, he concluded that agape love is the greatest.
After you drink beers night after night, you will eventually grow a paunch, which is chubby belly or a chubby gut.
He believes the ad campaign will eventually be successful and will have a positive cumulative effect on sales volume.
他相信广告运动终将成功, 销售量也会有逐步的显著的增长。
You baby it a little, take care not to aggravate it, and eventually, its stronger where it was broken than it was before.
They understood eventually, want a head only vivid, agree to bear hardships, Move clod to be able to become rich euqally.
他们终于明白了, 只要脑袋活, 肯吃苦, 搬土块一样能致富。
Instead, they work on the theory that a critical mass of users will eventually attract advertising and other sources of revenue.
And when they eventually emerge and become adult snails, they swim to the surface of the water and graze there on the carpet of algae.
While reading, at the beginning of reading, suspects are unknown. Doubts come about gradually, and then doubts are everywhere. After this stage, doubts are cleared up and mastery is achieved through a comprehensive study of the subject. Eventually there is no doubt, and that is called"study".

单词 eventually 释义



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