Su Manzhu, a Forlorn Literati Filled with Hidden Bitterness in the Realm of Buddhist Study
断鸿零雁, 佛光学影里的弥天幽恨
Su Manzhu, a Forlorn Literati Filled with Hidden Bitterness in the Realm of Buddhist Study.
It starts to fall From early in the morn Who is to answer the call That frigid and forlorn?
The forlorn smile with which she said it, so touched him, that tears started from his eyes.
His father smiled weakly in a forlorn attempt to reassure him that everything was all right.
他父亲淡淡地一笑, 枉然地试图要他放心, 一切都安然无恙。
Thus we may have a forlorn hope of making a bridge between them in the next two or three weeks.
由此可见近两, 三周内在他们之间进行沟通的希望渺茫。
Imagine seeing a child looking forlorn because she cannot figure out the puzzle she is working on.
Forlorn thoughts from the forsaken hives of all ages, swarming in the air, hum round my heart and seek my voice.
The almost-waif had been be friended by Zoe from the day she had found the forlorn child sitting on her garden step a month earlier.