单词 furniture 例句大全,用单词furniture造句:

Meanwhile, they find they can rent better quality furniture than they could afford to buy.
同时, 他们发现他们可以租比他们买得起的质量更好的家具。
The lumber manufacture's furniture in addition cannot be called the padauk teak furniture.
Furniture originality are everything, every piece of furniture can be termed works of art.
Use wood of teak, rosewood to wait commonly rare qualitative material makes advanced furniture.
After selecting from among its furniture and objects, she wished to transport to her other abode.
她从那些家具里挑选了几件, 预备运往她的另一个寓所。
The earthy colors and the floral patterns of the furniture accentuate the countryside atmosphere.
泥土色彩, 花卉图案, 加重了一室的田园感觉。
Our company is specialized in the production of antique furniture, leisure wood furniture business.
Job of staff of a few pinchbeck remove furniture is coarse, throw bad furniture electric equipment.
Welcome to Wharton Furniture World, there are a lot of furniture for your choices with satisfaction.
Bending the company specializes in wood furniture, furniture components and supporting the production.
This Law applies to the maintenance of redwood furniture and other furniture have been contaminated ink.
Visual Expression of Aesthetic Value of Dragon and Phoenix Patterns in Ming and Qing Furniture Decoration
Unique design, comprihensive top furniture supermarket, leading the new fashion of furniture consumption.
The utility model discloses the furniture with a safe, relating to the structural improvement of furniture.
Is indeed of high quality furniture, home decoration industry and the mainstream cabinet accessory products.
Bedroom furniture series, dining room furniture series, school desk, coffee table and office furniture series
According to scholastic research, clear acting furniture is versed in at using tenon, do not beg exterior adornment.
The increase in requirements for furniture and equipment is related to the acquisition of office automation equipment.
We agreed that the said furniture will be placed for consignment with you for one full year beginning November23,2002.
Assist with the removal and replacement of curtain, furniture, fixtures and soft furnishings and maintenance of furniture store.
In bright type furniture, ferreous mesua furniture is behaving him with the style of Chinese hackberrya of its massiness clumsy.
在明式家具中, 铁力木家具以其厚重拙朴的风格表现着自己。
Buying furniture doesnt have to be a wallet buster, either There are plenty of places that offer overstocked or discount furniture.
Furnituretc Wooden furniture shop London. Tables, chairs, cabinets, wardrobes, side tables, coffee tables and occassional furniture.
木制家具店。出售桌, 椅, 柜等。
Canadian manufacturer of solid teak casual furniture. We enjoy a preferential relationship with a plantation in Costa Rica. Mayateak furniture for life!
The main products are heated towel rail, bathroom accessories, balustrade systems, furniture frames, marine parts, louver systems, galvanized trailers, and other tailor made products.
我们始终站在客户身边, 选择最优秀的产品给世界的用户。

单词 furniture 释义

  • 单词释义:n.家具,设备,储藏物  [更多..]



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