单词 fortuitous 例句大全,用单词fortuitous造句:

Dont mistake his fortuitous oversight for deliberate illtreatment.
However, in a fortuitous opportunity, his dream being beckoned him.
Mangled and ever changing chromosomes are but fortuitous byproducts.
至于受损以及不断变化的染色体, 只是意外的副产品罢了。
The timing of the rise and fall of the oil price has been fortuitous.
Others are not so fortuitous when held under the proverbial heat lamp.
Profits were enhanced by a fortuitous drop in the cost of raw materials.
幸运的是, 由于原材料成本下降, 利润增加了。
Their success is the result of a fortuitous combination of circumstances.
Introduction In a fortuitous discovery of a race to write the small game.
He doesnt get to be exempt from the law because theres a fortuitous result,.
One day, due to a very fortuitous accident, an extraordinary step into a coma.
一天, 由于一个很偶然的意外, 步平凡陷入昏迷之中。
A fortuitous event is not to be forseen, and no person is held bound to divine it.
意外事件不可预见, 任何人都没有责任去预测它。
The German countys resident expressed that admires to Barnets fortuitous encounter.
And still remember the moment he met, in fact, was purely fortuitous, a pure accident.
Its not fortuitous that Nietzsche got mad, which results from his negative philosophy.
insured ocean marine cargo insurance natural calamity fortuitous accidents natural loss
Arrangement of insurance, fortuitous accident handling and tracking, claim on the insurance.
安排货物保险, 意外事故的跟踪处理, 索赔等。
Cut off the power when cleaning and maintaining to prevent fortuitous accident from happening.
在清洁保养时, 应切断电源, 以防止意外事故发生。
A fortuitous break in the clouds allowed the stars of the Big Dipper asterism to shine through.
幸运的是, 此时云层散开, 北斗七星闪烁在天空中。
In addition, it is fortuitous that the first conference on this topic takes place in the year 2011.
此外, 在2011年举办这一专题的首届大会也是机缘巧合。
So, the simple arrival of the fortuitous date promised to bring with it an aura of happiness and favorable fortunes.
因此, 这一天的到来预示着欢乐和幸运。
The first explanation is a somewhat fortuitous one that suggests the need for greater caution in the interpretation of the figures.
第一个解释提醒我们在阐释有关数字时, 要格外谨慎。

单词 fortuitous 释义

  • 单词释义:偶然发生的,偶然的;偶发  [更多..]



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