单词 future 例句大全,用单词future造句:

This country was giddy with the sense of accomplishment pride, prospect for the future.
整个国家沉浸在这种成就感之中, 憧憬着未来
I am proud of your acceptance into the university. I wish you all the best for the future.
我为你的获准进入大学而骄傲, 祝你万事如意。
The good health of any population is absolutely critical to its longevity and future survival.
Our future or perhaps, our absence of future depends on the decisive actions of this Assembly.
You do not know you, for me, , Not qualified to talk about any future and the future of it
The absence of a future for children undermines all our efforts in prevention and demobilization.
Will I be able to fulfill my academic requirements for my school at home and for any future plans
我是否能完成原学校的学业要求, 并为未来做打算?
You may have a bright future in the coming days, But the future is no doubt still in obscurity.
We hope that this quotation is acceptable to you and are looking forward to our future cooperation.
我希望此报价能为贵公司所接收, 并有机会合作。
To kill"now" is to kill the"future".——Future is the era of our descendants.
Task coherence predicts what users will do in the future with reasonable, but not absolute, certainty.
当然, 任务一致性合理, 但不是绝对地预测用户将会做什么。
Schools should teach children some academic subjects which will be beneficial to their future careers.
So since we can't predict the future, we want to spend a lot of our time trying to create that future.
虽然我们无法预测未来 但是我们会努力 创造未来
Abacus Financial Engineering Turning every day expenses into savings for you and your childrens future.
Switzerland abundant hopes with your communal development, advances together, creation glorious future.
Falling flower at great length once slicing red carpet, the future welcoming me, wonderful unfinished future.
落花铺陈一片红色地毯, 迎接我的未来, 精彩未完的未来。
Most of the future constructions just discussed can be used in the past tense to refer to past future events.
So hold onto your dream, hold onto the future. And as you hold onto the future you will see the power of God.
Future hotshot pilot Kara Starbuck Thrace received a scholarship to the Fleet Academy based on her skill in what game?
Then all their habits throughout innumerable kalpas of past and future, during which they abandon bodies and receive bodies.
如是乃至过去未来, 无数劫中, 舍身受身一切习气。
Valuing quality and credit, carrying on past and opening a way for future. Priority to honesty and credit, exploring to the future
崇质重信, 继往开来。诚信为先, 开拓未来
Interestingly, Goose says both Thailand and Cambodia now indicate they are taking steps to accede to the Convention in the near future.
Even though unmetered access is experiencing troubles, many analysts and companies continue to insist that it will be the wave of the future.
If we accept that there has been warming, we turn to computer models to see if humans are to blame and what will happen to the earth's climate in the future.
KPN, one of the founding members, has abandoned its attempts to tie its future to traditional phone companies, instead partnering with Qwest, one of the most aggressive new US phone companies.

单词 future 释义

  • 单词释义:未来;前途;未来的事;期货  [更多..]



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