单词 frolic 例句大全,用单词frolic造句:

The dog was created especially for children. He is the god of frolic.
No frolic during exercise and be sure to use correct moves in exercise.
运动中勿嬉戏打闹, 注意技术动作之正确性。
A happy group of children frolic in front of a traditional style house.
Immediately following that, you then frolic to the hospital with herpes!
他说他想要买一只猫, 说想买一只纯种的, 说这样会比较好。
I hope frolic songs are always round you and bring you endless happiness.
He soon rushes out toward the maidens as they frolic in the cool night air.
Subcultures of elementary school students have displayed the frolic character.
二, 探讨不同背景变项之国小学生次级文化差异情形。
Mothers with headscarves watched their children frolic in the waterfront park.
We all ever with a frolic welcome took The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed.
Adult lions often frolic with their cubs to promote coordination and basic survival skills.
Fairies descending to earth and worldly pleasure, play through life world of fun and frolic
Between games, enjoy watching your pet frolic on the beach with everything you've purchased.
He looked so wistful as he went away, hearing the frolic, and evidently having none of his own.
他听到你们在玩闹, 而显然他自己没什么玩的。
Top view park, in chongqing, WuDou frolic qiantang river, the huangpu river mouth nepheline mist.
恒山顶上观天, 钱塘江中弄潮, 雾都重庆雾低, 黄浦江口霞高。
Ba of the Lun, of a rightness of lover love of you my frolic, be like a first love sort of fine and sweet.

单词 frolic 释义

  • 单词释义:n.嬉闹;vi.嬉戏;adj.嬉戏的,欢乐的  [更多..]



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