Trial on the enhancement of fruition rate and improvement of fruit quality of Prunus domestica
The University has received generous support from benefactors to bring the mission to fruition.
I can scarcely wait, sir. Let us hope that this time the Escape Committees plans come to fruition.
However, those wishes have not come to fruition for reasons such as interference by foreign forces.
This will be brought to fruition through the unified efforts of Humanity and the Company of Heaven.
Your wisdom and dynamic leadership, I am confident, will lead the work of the Committee to fruition.
Furthermore, we look forward to the coming to fruition of initiatives by France and other countries.
Please remember that a plan is one thing, bringing to fruition its intended result is quite another.
请记住计划就是为了一件事, 带来它意图实现的结果。
Innovators are individuals with dreams and the strength of character to bring their dreams to fruition.
创新的人有梦想, 也有成就梦想的性格力量。
Now growth comes to annual fruition, and preparations are completed for another year, another generation.
The Spacefaring Age will thus come to fruition, with the promise of significant benefits for all humankind.
太空时代终将成到来, 它将给全人类带来美好的未来。
Therefore, opportunities for ensuring the fruition of the development process should be explored and utilized.
因此, 保证发展进程结出果实的机会必须开发利用。
Effect of different fertilization system on fruition, disease resistance and vine growth in Vitis amurensis Rupr.
It is the object of those paths and their fruition. It is excellent, transcendental , uncreated and free from lust.
它是极好的, 先验的, 没有创造的和从欲望之中解脱。
Own your ideas to see them to fruition, volunteer to do those aspects of the suggestion that youre able to implement. Learn how to sell your ideas to others.