She held out her hand, he kissed it with affectionate gallantry.
recently awarded, posthumously, the Order of Conspicuous Gallantry,
最近由于其勇敢的行为而被追认, 并予以奖励。
Not on your sweet life, said Mr. Wickham with sad want of gallantry.
威克赫姆一点也不想献殷勤, 答道决不。
If she springs on you I shall defend you and prove my poor gallantry.
要是她向您扑来, 我就当您的保镖, 显示一下我那微弱的勇气。
Acts of courtesy, consideration, or gallantry, especially by a suitor.
There was no lack of gallantry and fortitude. Jordan's Queen of Hearts
I must say again that I heartily admire your gallantry and youthfulness.
In time of war men who might easily be in jail win medals for gallantry.
在战争时期, 可能很轻易地被捕入狱的人会获得勇敢勋章。
This gallantry was not much to the taste of some of his hearers, but Mrs.
他又说, 他相信小姐们到时候都会结下美满良缘。
This chaste, almost shy love was not devoid of gallantry, by any means.
Surface chemistry advances have come with collaboration and, even, gallantry
They are putting up a fight which will live forever in the story of human gallantry.
There was no lack of gallantry and fortitude. Persistence is the direct result of habit.
Cultivate and guide social opinions and expand the spirit of gallantry rise to the occasion
This misconception and his gallantry seemed in some way to bring her and me closer together.
gallantry, and devotion to the public service than for unobtrusive bearing and high moral tone.
She was not the better pleased with his gallantry from the idea it suggested of something more.
她一想到柯林斯此番殷勤乃是别有用心, 她就不太乐意。
The greatest amount of gallantry that garrisoned one human breast could scarce avail against two hundred.
Newly crowned queen of kungfu films Hui Yinghung, stars in Long Road To Gallantry, a rivetting swordswoman spectacle.
It is bestowed for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life, above and beyond the call of duty, in actual combat against an armed enemy force.
因其由总统以国会名誉颁发, 故又称国会荣誉勋章。