单词 gentleman 例句大全,用单词gentleman造句:

I am very happy can be acquainted with one another with you such outstanding gentleman!
He asks the private school gentleman of the village to keep an elegiac address for him.
This was an embarrassing situation for the gentleman for he couldn't afford the dinner.
这位先生很尴尬, 因为他付不起晚餐得钱。
Actually, we might as well the abdomen that the heart with Lilliputian spends gentleman.
Fat the fat gentleman that wears white dress says, he was to get acute disease probably.
一个胖胖的身穿白色服装的先生说, 他大概是得了急病。
Life in the snow and icebound, whole day amusedly exceed grace calmly of gentleman step.
What is called that the gentleman helps somebody in doing well is the adage of Confucius.
I must confess it grieved me that I must be the instrument to abuse so honest a gentleman.
They are the gentleman's alumnus, just returned harbor to work from Australia before long.
A gentleman should advance his study in correct ways so as to acquire knowledge by himself.
君子深造必以正确的方法, 使自己有所体会。
Chen Peng flies to Jin Baos patriarch gentleman, also be in the sainted that express altar.
Chen Peng flies to Jin Bao's patriarch gentleman, also be in the sainted that express altar.
She became aware of an aged beautiful gentleman with white hair, drawing near along the lane.
她看到有个满头白发, 面容清癯的老绅士沿着小巷越走越近。
Mr. Darnay as a young gentleman of generosity knows how to make allowance for that circumstance.
代尔先生是宽宏的青年绅士, 他知道怎样原恕这种情形的。
He affirmed that the affront was by no means to be put up by any who bore the name of a gentleman
Daut to bathe small very renowned cheeks, the bamboo gentleman catalogue hand tears apart a veil.
This gentleman had desisted his attack, finding no room to expect the accomplishment of his design.
这位公子因为看出他的计划没有实现的希望, 就停止了进攻。
The voice of bamboo gentleman, with previous with lave small novel words, appear some dissimilarity.
When friends gather round from afar do we not rejoice Whom lack of fame cannot vex is not be a gentleman
有朋自远方来, 不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠, 不亦君子乎?
Excuse me gentleman, ladies Does punishment appeal to in can you mention what does aappellant ruling have
请问先生, 女士们刑诉中可以提起上诉的裁定有哪些?
Although arrive now, I still hope you do not want the heart with Lilliputian to spend the abdomen of gentleman.
The gentleman whom she met addressed her with courtesy. The gentleman that she met addressed her with courtesy.
Becoming him to see what be bumped into clear is presidential gentleman unexpectedly when, apologize immediately.
当他看清了被撞的竟是总统先生的时候, 马上赔不是。
Fantastic, he thought, looking at the old gentleman worshipfully. I'd love to acknowledge him as my mentor right now.
The week kneads to print a method after the gentleman hand, gentleman sword with penny 20, activity to fly sign periodical.

单词 gentleman 释义

  • 单词释义:先生;绅士;有身份地位的人  [更多..]



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