Vertically into the needle, gently rotate Des needle extraction, good adhesive plaster paste.
My wise teacher gently replied to my adolescent outrage with reasoned and moderate responses.
After emulsion or essence, apply desired amount evenly onto face and gently massage to absorb.
Clean and dry the rectal area. Apply a small amount of cream or ointment and rub it in gently.
清洁, 擦干肛门。敷少量软膏, 轻轻涂抹。
Apply moderate amount facial cream on your face, then massage it gently till your skin absorbs.
Apply a suitable amount of this product and spread onto foot, gently massage to allow absorption.
Thematic adornment Such article, put to be full of Christmas atmosphere opportunely opportunely gently.
主题装饰这样的物品, 轻轻便巧放一件就布满圣诞氛围。
Now and again he gets a blow on the claws while the anemone is being gently persuaded to change owners.
Spin metallurgy, chemical industry, gently, the advantage escalate of the industry such as the electron.
冶金, 化工, 轻纺, 电子等行业的优势逐步增强。
With the other hand he gently takes one mothlike antennae of his direhorse, and bends it down toward him.
Usage Take appropriate amount of this product, apply it gently in circles, and then rinse it off with water.
用法取适量产品, 轻轻打圈清洁, 以水冲洗干净即可。
Layer the apple slices on the bottom of each pan. Gently pour the pancake batter evenly between the two pans.
把切好的苹果排放到两个烤盘上, 把面糊分摊到两个烤盘上。
Ancylostostomiasis patient, can have spend grow in quantity of cell of acerbity bead of be addicted to gently.
Troubled Galaxy, and accompanied by a sigh soon as secluded, gently licking the baffle inner pain and chilling.
The bazoo that uses you is pointed gently glide his alvine, chest, kiss him next cervical on the right side of.
用你的鼻尖轻轻滑过他的小腹, 胸膛, 然后亲吻他颈部的右侧。
And additionally, a pencil can be gently rubbed across the surface of the paper in a manner that doesn't leave lines.
Contain alabaster small pink especially, massage skin gently, shorthaired pelt aperture shrinks while depth is clean.
特含雪花石膏微粉, 轻轻按摩肌肤, 深层清洁的同时缩小毛孔。
After washing apply this cream on the face and then gently rub the face or skin until thecream is completely absorbed.
The sea water also may so art, Passed over gently and swiftly along with the nature also can produce the abstract painting.
While he gently held my hand, he admitted he had spent three long nights in pain, but he would do it all over again for me.
Usage After crisp skin, takes right amount spreads gently in the face and the pate, whips gently until the flesh absorption.
浅表淋巴结颈部, 双侧腋窝及腹股沟淋巴结无肿大。
Gently pull upward to straighten the ear canal. Use a syringe device to gently direct water against the wall of the ear canal.
Add celery and apple season with salt and pepper. Toss gently to combine. Crumble toasted pecans on top, and serve immediately.
Every morning after cleansing, use fingertips to gently dot the cream around your eyes. Gently smooth in until thoroughly absorbed.
Apply directly to fine lines, especially on the forehead, patting the product gently in over your makeup. The visual correction effect is amazing!