Most southern towns have suffered from the reckless depredation of the armed gang.
The language angel hanged up the gang and banged them at the angle of the triangle.
the language angel hanged up the gang and banged them at the angle of the triangle.
An armed gang barged onto the train and began hacking and shooting anyone in sight.
This raven youth gang will arrive together the next morning, and share the carcass.
第二天早上, 这群乌鸦将会同时到达, 来享受美餐。
The sprocket adjusted, the engineer called up the gang and the men took their place.
那个齿轮装好了, 司机召集大伙, 每人各就各位。
The hospital is apt to with respect to infusion, to make money, the a gang is quack.
We found in our gang and, admittedly, this was not really sort of a standard situation.
The chances for them to be involved in gang violence and homicide go up astronomically.
This gang of bandits commit all sorts of crimes, arousing indignation among local residents.
这些股匪在当地无恶不做, 引起了当地百姓得公愤。
On Maos death, in 1974, the Gang of Fours already waning primacy ended with arrest and disgrace.
Acting on inside information, the police were able to arrest the gang before the robbery occurred.
警方根据匪徒内部情报, 在劫案发生前把他们一网打尽。
Green gang and Hong band have a significant impact since the Qing Dynasty Secret societies organized.
Recently, Yang on 5 gang backbones already by Public security organ legally arrest on criminal charge.
Themis mouth hard, unreasonable, ignoring the class rules, bullied by gang fights and table of Kuwait.
Last semester, Wang Gang was awarded the title of An Outstanding Student for his excellent performance.
上学期王刚表现出色, 被予以优秀学生称号。
The Organization with characteristic of sinister gang and sinister gang are two totally different concepts.
Jin Gang Dhyana leader Master Wang XinDe said the Year of the Tiger would bring achievement and advancement.
Even today, much effort is still needed to eliminate the pernicious influence of these absurdities spread the gang.
Wu Gang, vice director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the PRC, addressed the forum.
Therefore, an appropriate touch with tenacity, gang rou xiang ji, containing a large quantity of ink, durable and so on.
It was soon apparent that the gang's Mauser automatic pistols were more than a match for the shot guns of the metropolitan police.
is that if I had to draw a parallel between the gang and any other organization it would be that the gang is just like McDonald's.
The relationship between vasoactive intestinal polypeptidergic nerve and gang, lion on cerebral artery in spontaneously hypertensive rats
The answer appeared to be to encourage the lot of them to thunder forward.In a high pressure opening gambit, the whole merry gang turned up in the penalty box.