单词 borrow 例句大全,用单词borrow造句:

I needed a special spanner and I couldn't beg, steal or borrow one anywhere.
我需要一把特殊的扳手, 但我无论如何也找不到。
In order to borrow books from the school library, I applied for a reading card.
Do not lend money to others and not borrow from others is advised by Shakespear.
The debt limit is the amount of money that the government is permitted to borrow.
I am sorry. In order to borrow books, you need to apply for a library card first.
您想借阅, 请到办证处先办个证。
Amazon at least lets customers borrow some Kindle books, but Apple is still behind.
亚马逊至少能让客户借一些电子书, 但苹果很滞后。
To borrow a concept from my country's CIA, it helps you to soften up your audience.
The Executive Board of the IMF adopted a decision on the New Arrangements to Borrow.
A biography of George Borrow, the author of novels and travelogues, some scandalous.
You can borrow books from the library, but you can't borrow one without a library card.
He assured me that I could borrow his car. Famous last words. He doesn't even own a car.
Anyone who failed to see the previous issue would have to beg,steal,or borrow a copy.
They borrow a lot from the Nepalese folklore, especially with regard to the artistic form.
Can I borrow some money so we can move into an apartment and buy a new Mustang convertible?
The mechanics of how countries borrow receive far less attention than how much they borrow.
The conditions on which farmers borrow directly reflect the intermediary's access to credit.
The applicant must complete and properly stamp this form each time they borrow the artworks.
每次外借艺术品时, 必须由申请人填写此表格及盖章。
He came to see me under the pretext of asking my advice when he really wanted to borrow money.
Nations match the camp company accountancy's account to also use to borrow open account method?
Sometime he was crying for sadness, We proposed to borrow his tape to listen, He did not agree.
我们提出借他的磁带听一听, 他说什么也不肯。
Some men borrow books; some men steal books; and others beg presentation copies from the author.
The developer only wants to borrow discounts the attraction human spirit, arouses more interests.
开发商只想借打折吸引人气, 引起更多关注而已。
One of the biggest constraints on African farming is the inability to borrow money for fertilizers.
He wasn't afraid to start a business, borrow a bunch of money, or quit a well-paying job to travel the world.
an agreement to borrow money, esp so as to buy a house, and pay interest on it to the lender over a period of years

单词 borrow 释义

  • 单词释义:借,贷;借用,引用  [更多..]



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