单词 boudoir 例句大全,用单词boudoir造句:

The golden boudoir document character, the jade chest is mad the rainbow.
黄金闺阁文件得性质, 玉石胸部是疯了彩虹。
The contributions of ci poems of boudoir complaints by females in the song
The Proposition of Taiwans New Boudoir Literature Regarding Marital Autonomy.
And their position of cleaning up the female boudoir painter in painting history.
The weibliche Unsterbliche Cave There may be the boudoir of the Weibliche Unsterbliche.
Next year peach and plum trees will be in bloom again, But who will be the master of my boudoir then?
桃李明年能再发, 明岁闺中知是谁?
Give your boudoir the chic look of a boutique hotel with this set of soft, single ply 420TC cotton sateen sheets.
为您提供各类床上用品, 家居布置, 厨房工具。
Women in Boudoir in High Society Being Jealous and Shrewish as a Prevailing Practice in the Wei,Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasties
On Aesthetics of Hidden Bitterness in the Tang Poetry of Palace and Boudoir Repinings Discuss on the Beauty of Grievance In the Poems of Grievance

单词 boudoir 释义

  • 单词释义:n.女人的会客室或化妆室,闺房  [更多..]



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