单词 bouncy 例句大全,用单词bouncy造句:

We all move in this, kind of bouncy way when we run.
I want the bouncy ball! You get those. We dont need them.
我要那弹力球!都拿去, 我们不要了
The cheerful girl with bouncy golden curls wan almost five.
I know, hosebag. I got it under control. oh, a bouncy house?
The band alternated romantic love songs with bouncy dance numbers.
The cheerful little girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five.
while being forced into the crowded, sweaty hell of bouncy castles.
被迫挤在人群里, 在充气城堡里弄得满身大汗。
With balloons, streamers and a bouncy house. oh, that's a good idea.
The first time use, skin becomes tender bouncy, the feeling is cozier.
Yet many industry executives are surprisingly bouncy about the future.
然而, 许多行业的高管们对未来还抱有惊人的自信。
It s a bouncy castle with slats in the side to allow the air to escape.
它是个充气城堡在它侧面有百叶板, 使得空气可以溢出。
Standard grey chinchillas are noted as having strong, thick and bouncy fur.
很多时因为要保留基因, 会发展到近亲繁殖。
A really big birthday party, with a bouncy house, a hotdog stand and a clown.
一个非常盛大的生日聚会 有蹦蹦屋,热狗摊,还有小丑。
So, might as well old person choice breathes freely already bouncy cany chair.
I like to collect bouncy balls, they are very bouncy, and they are very colorful.
我爱收集橡皮球, 它们的弹力很强, 它们的色彩很多。
Remember those impossibly bouncy, 25cent wonders that could conceivably take out an eye
还记得那种只卖25美分一个, 让人眼前一亮的弹力球吗?
Actually, program is a shell for freely distributed encryption library from Legion of the Bouncy Castle.
The Big Balls. Now, the object here, work your way across those bouncy balls to the platform on the other side.
The Yuanyang Rice has the first classtaste and feelings , It is translucent, teder, bouncy, fragrent and sweet.
原阳大米颗粒晶莹, 软筋香甜, 口感, 质感均为一流。

单词 bouncy 释义

  • 单词释义:快活的;精神的;有弹性的;自大的  [更多..]



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