单词 brave 例句大全,用单词brave造句:

Don't apologize for the one brave decision of your life! I admire you for it!
Father of a vessel, carrying us, brave the wind and waves toward love Harbor!
父亲一艘船, 载着我们, 乘风破浪, 驶向爱的港湾!
Jenny had to brave her father's anger due to her refusal to attend university.
珍妮以身犯险, 不肯上大学, 所以不得不面对父亲得盛怒。
It's brave, it's tough, it that dare to struggle spirit, really make we admire.
The brave army of the people is well trained and has had uninterrupted success.
Therefore, brave, don't always the afterlife when excuse and intentionally life.
We should be brave to try new things, and be pioneers in those advanced subjects.
Let me give up all the be brave love you, let me be brave for you to give up your.
让我放弃一切的勇敢爱你, 让我勇敢为你而放弃拥有你。
Our soldiers and cadres are resourceful and brave and dare to look death in the face.
Who can read the heroic deed of brave men without a feeling of respect and admiration.
People with thought are brave rather than cowardly, aggressive rather than submissive.
Sordo and his men put up a brave fight but are killed when the Fascist bombers arrive.
Carl made a brave attempt to save the company from the bankruptcy, but it didn't work.
Lincoln's inaugural address, brave and elegiac as it was, was speaking into a hurricane.
林肯的就职演说, 勇敢, 祭文, 因为它被说成飓风。
Smart people aren't confused, Empathetic people don't worry, Brave people aren't afraid.
Friends will see you are putting on a brave face and might assume you've got over your grief.
A photographer and assistant brave a close encounter with gray reef sharks off Rongelap Atoll.
The dances of minority nationalities using weapons as stage props always appear brave and heroic.
各民族的兵器之舞, 刀光剑影, 英勇豪迈。
The origin and influence of Qi Custom of being afraid to crowd tussle and being brave to assassinate
Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.
敌人冷酷无情石心肠, 我们要么英勇奋战, 要么屈膝投降。
Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the maximum abject submission.
敌人冷酷无情铁石心肠, 咱们要么顽强抵抗, 要么屈膝投降。
And, amid a myriad of factors, the brave yet agonising defeat at the Stade de France had a major influence.
Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.
敌人残酷无情, 我们别无选择, 要么奋起抵抗, 要么屈膝投降。
The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here,have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract
Fortunately you can hope to be brave after feeling ashamed, then there is still bright future to anticipate.
所幸你还能够知耻而后勇, 那之后的远大前程尚有可期。

单词 brave 释义

  • 单词释义:勇敢的;极好的;新颖的  [更多..]



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