单词 carefree 例句大全,用单词carefree造句:

He's a carefree fellow who bears his responsibilities lightly.
Before her marriage she had been lively and alert and carefree.
婚前, 她活泼, 机警而且无忧无虑。
I loved high school. It was more carefree, says Maria Glickman.
I knew, of course, that this carefree attitude was only a front.
我当然明白, 这种满不在乎的态度只是一种装模作样。
and naive and carefree and quite oblivious of the external world.
Is this the carefree life with no responsibility that you wanted?
Actually, I am not accustomed with the emptiness and carefree life.
The key to this look is to appear natural and carefree, yet elegant.
这种风格的关键在于, 要展现出自然与洒脱, 但又不失优雅。
Though he was born poor, he still had a blissfully carefree childhood.
仅管他出身贫寒, 他的童年还是无忧无虑的。
So to the small garden they went, leaving their carefree laughter behind.
Labradors violin, play the piano carefree boring, good weekend becomes weak!
Every schoolmate, study carefree network put English campus fence these into
Besides, I feel that Beijings women are very beautiful, carefree, and charming.
而且, 我觉得北京的姑娘很漂亮, 很大方, 很有魅力。
The weeding women were still singing to their hearts'deight, absolutely carefree.
We think of their lives as blissful and carefree, living large and loving clowns.
then he went on his way, and was cheerful and carefree, and lived one day at a time.
然后他愉快地走了, 无忧无虑地生活着。
Delineate a person is leisurely and carefree with nature from the happy fine appearance.
In my spare time, I often imagine my life in old age , in which I lead an easy and carefree life.
Many little fish and shrimps were swimming to and fro in the brook in a leisurely and carefree way.
Our teahouse and wine Bars provide you with tea and wine, where you can drink in a leisurely and carefree way.
本处茶坊酒肆, 供您茗茶品酒, 悠哉悠哉。
Be like carefree cloud of the scenery and the sky out of the car window, brush past in a hurry, clear have no.
像车窗外的风景和天空的闲云, 匆匆掠过, 了然无痕。
Anyway I also didn't exchange blows with others for a long time, in the mind's returning is really a little bit carefree alarm.
Not only is he a young, smart, and insightful entrepreneur with a coveted fortune, but he also happens to be a blithe spirit with a carefree attitude to life.
But the first 11 discs, recorded in the 20s and 30s and exquisitely remastered by Ward Marston, sizzle with the carefree brio that made Rubinstein the best-loved pianist of his generation.
Enjoying an idle life is certainly cheaper than enjoying a luxury one. To enjoy an idle life, one only needs an artist's disposition, loitering away a leisured afternoon in a completely carefree mood.

单词 carefree 释义

  • 单词释义:无忧无虑的,快乐舒畅的;逍遥自在;宽畅;闲逸  [更多..]



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