单词 carefully 例句大全,用单词carefully造句:

All parts and standardized components are carefully made by adopting stainless steel.
You are advised to read them carefully if you wish to delve deeper into this subject.
如果你愿意深入研究这个课题, 建议你仔细地阅读它。
This abnormality can be appreciated by carefully palpating the pulse in such patients.
Listen again carefully, ah, this seems to be what passes in snoring abundance of means.
再仔细听, 啊, 这鼾声中似乎透出什么绵长的意味。
Carefully pull back the access line. The kink should be in the bottom of the burr hole.
Do not pack too much force, the alignment of the corners have to carefully adjust well.
Carefully watch the patient for edema of the upper airway with respiratory obstruction.
New employees should follow suit, after listening carefully to how people are addressed.
Success in warfare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the enemy's purpose.
故为兵之事, 在于佯顺敌之意。
To check carefully, in light of the actual depth investigation, be addressed effectively.
要认真对照检查, 结合实际深入查摆, 切实加以解决。
I would advise people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working Sundays.
Carefully read the graph and technique procedure, and processing according to the requirement.
看清图纸和工艺流程, 并按其要求加工。
The manager listened carefully to edison's plan and admired him for his energy and enthusiasm.
经理仔细听取了爱迪生的计划, 称赞他有干劲, 有热情。
The more carefully you've managed your money, the less the aspects this month will affect you.
你越小心的管理你的钱, 这个月就越少影响你。
The old doctor inquired about his condition carefully, and prescribed him medicine accordingly.
老中医对他详细问诊后, 对症下药开了处方。
Implementation of Anti Tax Avoidance Adjustment Should Be Handled Carefully in Consulting with Taxpayers
Conclusion The patients with injury in chest, back and abdomen should be carefully examined and observed.
Someone who admires your abilities is willing to give you an employment opportunity. Think it over carefully.
The person paying tribute to the emperor holds the jade flower vase carefully, fearing to accidentally break it.
Two groups are not afraid of tired of not Pazang carefully cleaning the wall and ground waste paper advertising.
Everything must be carefully examined before we act, then twice as much can be accomplished with half the effort.
You should read carefully the Terms and Conditions for Use of Password that is enclosed with the Access Code Notice.
Accustom thyself to attend carefully to what is said by another, and as much as it is possible, be in the speakers mind.
让你自己习惯仔细倾听他人, 尽可能感受言说者的心灵。
Second, avoid absorbing empty cavity of womb and carefully observe abradant things of artificial abortion while diagnosing premature pregnancy.
Over time, an implacable anger spread through the Democratic Caucus, and my colleagues would carefully record every slight and abuse meted out by the GOP.

单词 carefully 释义

  • 单词释义:adv.小心地,谨慎地  [更多..]



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