单词 caramel 例句大全,用单词caramel造句:

Determination of levulinic acid in soy sauce, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and caramel
酱油, 酸水解植物蛋白, 焦糖色素中乙酰丙酸的测定
Rum that has an amber colour, a result from an aging process and a caramel colouring.
The nose is lifted with an attractive, complex mix of dried fruit, vanilla and caramel.
Objective To develop the method for the determination of 2methyl imid azole in caramel.
All these volatiles given the Dahongpao and the Tieguanyin caramel and baking fragrant.
Popcorn combined with a thick sugar or molasses or caramel syrup and formed into balls.
The process of producing caramel using sucrose waste molasses in the presence of gelatin
The present production status of the caramel pigment and its application in food industry
Rich, moist chocolate cake topped with vanilla ice cream, hot fudge and caramel sauce.
Or a latte with an extra shot. Or a grande skinny soya macchiato with a squirt of caramel.
Studies on the technology of producing caramel pigment by extrusion processing with starch
Orange lets a hair besmear again as scorching on caramel is general, warm and enthusiastic.
Study on extracting process of caramel pigment from the molasses wastewater utilized by yeast
Study on the extraction of the caramel pigment from the yam diosgenin processing waste water.
Bacardis rum that has an amber colour, a result from an aging process and a caramel colouring.
琥珀色, 需要陈化及加焦糖调色。
He made it out of flour, eggs, sugar and caramel, with 1, 500 cream puffs, weighing 20 pounds.
这件礼服重20英镑, 由1500个奶油泡芙组合而成。
Standard test method for granular activated carbon from coalDetermination of caramel adsorption.
Most lower level person, conglutinate at boiler bottom, anxious and black, the caramel that say.
The traditional manufacture methods of the caramel pigment are ordinary pressure and highpressure.
The research demonstrated that the present determination method for chromaticness of caramel was not correct.
研究证明, 焦糖色素目前的色率测定方法有误。
A method for the determination of4 methylimidazole in caramel color by capillary gas chromatography was studied.
You turn up the heat, you start making or breaking chemical bonds in the sugar, forming a brownish caramel, right?
然后你点上火 糖的化学键就断开 形成棕色的焦糖
The nose is packed with layers of caramel, cinnamon, candy and hints of mints, with a prevalence of fruit over oak.
香料和水果味浓, 酒身浓郁, 有沉稳的丹宁酸。
To make the caramel sauce, place sugar and water in a medium saucepan and cook until desired caramel colour is reached.
焦糖酱的制作炖锅里放入糖和水, 熬至糖色出来。
This chocolate cake is topped with caramel ice cream topping, and then whipped topping sprinkled with Butterfinger candy bar pieces.
此款巧克力上面涂有焦糖冰奶酪, 然后再撒上巧克力棒碎末。

单词 caramel 释义

  • 单词释义:焦糖;(含焦糖味的)太妃糖;焦糖色  [更多..]



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