单词 carol 例句大全,用单词carol造句:

This year's board awarded the top prize to reporter Carol clay.
Carol Ben, cant you go sulk in your own room Ok, ok, what is it
卡罗尔本, 不高兴就回自己屋里去。好吧好吧, 什么事?
Carol reached for her blouse, which hung on a chair by the bed.
Carol burned her cake, so she will have to start again scratch.
卡萝把蛋糕烤焦了, 所以她得重新再做一个。
For example Carol might think okay I shall decide to move my arm.
举例说, 嘉璐觉得, 好吧, 我该决定移动我的手。
Cana Hello Carol, thank you very much for your sharing.I persona.
Aria manager Carol Gao was on hand to accept the award in Beijing.
Mike Carol. Carol! What the heck is going on Who are these people.
He was thinking of buying this car, but Carol beat him to the draw.
I was sickened by the way Carol charmed all the men by turning coy.
Carol What do I have to do to get your attention Wear vinyl like Ben
卡罗尔怎么样才能引起你们的注意, 学本去穿化纤服?
A musical setting of this canticle. The bells chimed a Christmas carol.
To break the awful silence, Carol started taking bets about the outcome.
为了打破这种令人不安的沉默, 卡罗尔开始猜测结果。
Carol takes some garments to the Dry Cleaning King in Eureka, California.
Mary lunges at Carol in fury, swinging her right fist at Carol's breasts.
她暴怒的向凯洛冲去, 摆动她的右手打向凯洛的胸部。
Mike Understand! Carol, you cant just drift along like some aimless teenage.
Carol has no bodyguard, and has always resisted any attempt to give her one.
卡罗尔没有人保护, 而且一直反对为她派保安人员。
Carol was choked off by his father for borrowing the car without permission.
Carol No. Heather McDonald did. But we all got roses and a big gold bracelet.
卡罗尔噢, 是海瑟当了皇后。可我们都得到了玫瑰和仿金项链。
Located at the front beach, these shallow carol reefs make for great snorkeling.
在前海滩, 这些浅层的珊瑚礁使浮潜活动更加丰富多彩。
Carol laughed and swam out of the anemone to avoid getting caught by her husband.
Carol will borrow her mother's long black cape if she's going to a formal dinner.
Rodney Slater, Carol Willis, and Bob Nash stayed with me for the next nineteen years.
Now the carol of peace and prosperity prevails in the vast land of the Northern Anhui.
盛世欢歌, 飘荡在皖北大地上, 余音绕梁。
Carol Hi, I could not help by admire the pitch of your roof. Care to nibble on my muffins
卡罗尔嗨, 这房子的屋顶弄的不错, 他喜欢我做的蛋糕吗?

单词 carol 释义

  • 单词释义:圣诞之歌,(宗教)颂歌;卡罗尔舞蹈  [更多..]



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