单词 caribou 例句大全,用单词caribou造句:

The park is also the domain of the Porcupine caribou herd and half a million migratory birds.
This kind of dog mainly take the horse, the musk ovibos moschatus and the caribou as the food.
He was in a strange country, too, and the caribou were growing more plentiful, also the wolves.
现在, 他到了一个陌生的地带, 驯鹿愈来愈多, 狼也多起来了。
A baby caribou is able to stand and walk an hour after it is born.It can run when it is a day old.
出生一个小时后, 小驯鹿就能站起来了, 一天后就可以跑了。
There we met wildlife biologist Jim Dau and learned about how his team tracks caribou migration patterns.
They have left The Caribou for some time. Gao Ting and Xiao Zhang, wish them every success in their future.
她们离开驯鹿已有一段时间了高婷, 小张。希望她们前程锦绣。

单词 caribou 释义

  • 单词释义:n.北美产驯鹿(=Rangifer)  [更多..]



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