单词 caret 例句大全,用单词caret造句:

Move the caret to the end of the line, extending the selection.
将插入符号移动到行尾, 扩展选定范围。
Moves the caret to the end of the line, extending the selection.
将插入符号移动到行尾, 扩展所选内容。
Move the caret to the last line in view, extending the selection.
Moves the caret to the top line in view, extending the selection.
Move the caret left one character, extending the column selection.
将插入符号左移一个字符, 扩展列的选定范围。
Moves the caret to the last line in view, extending the selection.
将插入符号移动到视图的最后一行, 扩展所选内容。
Moves the caret to the start of the line, extending the selection.
将插入符号移动到行首, 扩展所选内容。
Cancels the current selection moving the caret to the anchor point.
将插入符号移动到定位点处, 取消当前所选内容。
Moves the caret to the end of the document, extending the selection.
将插入符号移动到文档结尾, 扩展所选内容。
Move the caret to the start of the document, extending the selection.
将插入符号移动到文档开头, 扩展选定范围。
Move the caret to the end of the line, extending the column selection.
将插入符号移动到行尾, 扩展列的选定范围。
Moves the caret to the start of the document, extending the selection.
将插入符号移动到文档开始, 扩展所选内容。
Typing square bracket caret zero dash nine will exclude all numbers from matching.
Finds the previous occurrence of the currently selected text, or the word at the caret.

单词 caret 释义

  • 单词释义:脱字号,补字号;补字符号  [更多..]



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