单词 carl 例句大全,用单词carl造句:

Carl was way off the track though we advised him again and again.
Carl is not here at the moment, would you like to leave a message?
But could you come away like that, Carl, without arranging things ?
可是, 卡尔, 你就这样没有安排一下便匆忙赶回来了?
Carl put more wood in the fireplace in an attempt to warm the room.
卡尔往壁炉里添了些柴禾, 想让屋子暖和些。
Carl sat down and had breakfast although it was late for the lesson.
After one week, Carl decided not to accept the job I was offering him.
一周之后, 卡尔决定不接受我提供给他的工作。
Carl Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act Amendments
Standing on the floor, a young boarder named Carl was admiring the view.
Carl said that a big whale was found beached a few meters from the dock.
卡尔说, 在码头附近几米处发现了一条搁浅的大鲸鱼。
And so an initial merger plan was not accepted by the Carl Zeiss Jena firm.
Carl, I asked you a thousand times not to sing aloud when I'm on the phone.
Carl was sitting opposite us, on the strapontin, his face as red as a beet.
卡尔坐在我们对面的折叠座位上, 脸红得像一棵甜菜。
Thanks for you present again and God bless you and Carl for your health both.
再次谢谢你的礼物, 上帝保佑您和卡尔身体健康!
There's a postscript to the Norden story of Carl Norden and his fabulous bombsight.
诺顿还有他的 投弹瞄准器的故事 还有个后记
Renato Cristi, Carl Schmitt and Authoritarian Liberalism Strong State, Free Economy.
The Exploration of Phenomenology Method by Which Carl Marx Built His New Materialism
And yet Carl is standing there lathering his face and not a single detail is altered.
Carl made a brave attempt to save the company from the bankruptcy, but it didn't work.
Somebody called me from the hospital saying that Carl had a car accident two hours ago.
Uncle Carl said I think there's a badger living in our chimney, hand me that flashlight.
卡尔叔叔说我觉得有只獾住在咱家烟囱里, 把手电筒给我。
I believe that Carl lost about 200 million of his original Blockbuster stock investment.
"Do you know Carl?""Yes I met him around two months ago at Jenny's party."
Carl was a man with a chip on his shoulder. Everyone seemed in a conspiracy to slight or injure him.
But senior Democrat Carl Levin wants the Armed Services Committee of which he is a member to also investigate.
Although Palmer demands to speak to him in person, Carl brushes off any insinuations and says that he is not available.

单词 carl 释义

  • 单词释义:<古>村夫;<废>奴隶;<方>粗野的人  [更多..]



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