单词 carmen 例句大全,用单词carmen造句:

Norman told me that Bernie was the executor of his will, said Carmen.
Juanita understands now that her birth parents are Hector and Carmen.
Inside the theatre, they were giving a performance of Bizet's Carmen.
在剧院里, 他们正在演出比才的作品卡门。
However, the fickle Carmen turns to the arms of a toreador, Escamillo.
I don't know what it is about you Carmen that makes me feel plumb loco.
Helen is a novice to the Hollywood scene and has just be friended Carmen.
海伦是好莱坞银屏的新人, 她刚刚和卡门交上朋友。
Look, Carmen, I know you're a proud woman, but you have to let us help you.
卡门,我知道你自尊心强 可你必须让我们帮你。
She thanked every one of them for their help and friendship to Carmen and her.
她向每一位给予卡门帮助的人道了谢, 谢谢他们的友谊。
By the tender age of only fifteen, Carmen was on her way to realizing her dream.
But things only love Carmen most clearly, because she is the entire movie directors.
但事情的真情只有卡门最清楚, 因为她才是整出戏的导演。
Hurricane Carmen came through here yesterday destroying nearly everything in its path.
Two soldiers arm wrestle before receiving Christmas gifts in Carmen de Bolivar, Colombia.
She was afraid of the trauma her mothers rejection of Carmen might cause the little girl.
While Zoe played the piano, Carmen learned to sing popular songs in a high, sweet treble.
Early one morning, a frantic Carmen woke Zoe to say her mother had not come home all night.
Inside, folded in half, was the five dollar bill that Carmen had left with five months ago.
'Early one morning, a frantic Carmen woke Zoe to say her mother had not come home all night. '
Zoe's wideset hazel eyes looked into Carmen's round black ones and her generous mouth curved in a smile.
Of course, pet. ' Zoe's arms spread wide and a tender smile lit her eyes. Carmen, with a little sob, flew into her arms.
She requested Zoe to put Carmen into an orphanage or ashram as she found it too much of a burden looking after the child.
As a matter of fact we know who she was: a girl in Paris called Carmen who made her living as a model, and was still alive as lately as 1950.
Wildcat and carmen,whose individualities and living communities of different social eras,were two similar but absolutely not equivalent literary images.
And it is in other towns up and down the coast, Bayou de Battrys entire shrimping industry has fallen victim to Carmen and has been lift in utter ruin.

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