单词 carnal 例句大全,用单词carnal造句:

Our life on earth is, and ought to be, material and carnal.
All that will not bear to be tested is mere carnal confidence.
Sheldon Obviously another carnal fiasco with the Shiksi Goddess.
To the motley mob on Golgotha it was a holiday, carnal and cursed.
The carnal Jews hold a midway place between Christians and heathens.
A carnal dictator drank a cup of urine. His neural system became cordial.
Thus, all carnal joy begins sweetly but in the end brings remorse and death.
肉身所有的快乐, 都是这样来的时候廿饴, 事后叫你悲伤。
The notion of eroticism is then turned into a sense of pure carnal desire. Chapter 2.
the former believes in the power of carnal drives while the latter only perceives trace
前者相信肉体欲驱的作用, 后者却只承认踪迹
The same applies to attaining emancipation. Once the muddle of carnal desire has been crossed.
Commonality of people and the forbiddance of carnal intercourse are extreme ways of achieving this end.
For this, I have been seeking for five years before the Buddha and begged him to let us end a carnal thoughts.
为这, 我已在佛前求了五百年, 求他让我们结一段尘缘。
All grass here have the same name of Yang Yuhuan. They are plump, succulent and would arouse ones carnal desire.
这里的草都叫杨玉环, 丰腴, 嫩泽, 充满肉质的诱惑。
If Thou grant me abundant health and happy spirits, do not let the gallant ship of carnal ease come sailing up the flowing flood.
若祢赐我幸福健康, 也求祢莫让我好逸恶劳, 死于安乐

单词 carnal 释义

  • 单词释义:世俗的;肉体的;性欲的;好色的  [更多..]



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