A caravan of donkeys was sent instead. No, dont be insulted, Sire!
顶替而来的是一队驴拉的篷车, 先别发火, 陛下!
At length the lady of the caravan shook off her fit of meditation.
However fierce the attacks, the direction of the caravan is clear.
尽管指责强烈, 改革大篷车的走向是明确的。
caravan carousel wheel chair accessible chariot on the first level.
As the Russian saying goes The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.
正如俄国谚语所说尽管狗群乱吠, 旅行队照样前进。
The main town on the Indian side, Leh, was an ancient caravan stop.
They were ambushed in their Caravan and stabbed and hacked to death.
I didn't go to Baghdad with the caravan, I didn't take silk and henna.
我没有坐拖车去巴格达, 我没有带上丝绸和染料。
Is served on the caravan as artistic director of the film, the director.
现供职于大篷车电影公司担任艺术总监, 导演。
The caravan leader hooked up all 498 pairs of bullocks to the first cart.
They decided it would be safer to obey the warning of the caravan leader.
The caravan leader told them to make themselves vomit as soon as possible.
As we were retreating, we came upon a caravan of zerith women and children.
Having seen this winter jujube grove, now our caravan is setting off again.
Being such a good judge of bulls, the caravan leader understood his reasoning.
They added to their goods the most valuable things left from the first caravan.
There were forty camels in the caravan, and the mules were twice forty in number.
For six months they camped out in a caravan in a meadow at the back of the house.
Is getting the camel caravan, is rushing for the ox cart, is singing the madrigal.
他们一早就骑着马来到大会会场, 接受主席台的检阅后。
We sold the house and furniture, lock, stock and barrel, and went to live in a caravan.
我们把房子, 家具都卖了, 搬到旅行篷车里去住。
Then they had taken for themselves all the merchandise and bullock carts of the caravan.
Plans and materials for the construction of Trading Posts were brought with this caravan!
They recognized that the fully loaded carts and the scattered bones belonged to the former caravan.
They recognized that the fully loaded carts and the scattered bones bel 0 nged to the former caravan.
Leisure accommodation vehicles Caravan holiday homes Habitation requirements relating to health and safety.