单词 carved 例句大全,用单词carved造句:

The terrace is encircled by 1, 458 marble balusters carved with dragon and phoenix designs.
Generally, the seals of ancient Chinese emperors would have a knob with a dragon carved on it.
The bridges are well decorated with marble balustrades carved with motifs of dragon and phoenix.
The scabbard is wood bound with two bands of Rattan strips and lightly carved on the front face.
Intaglio carved into the hand carving and engraving machinery, electronics carved intaglio three.
Those days of despair was deeply etched in her memory like carved by a knife and chopped by an ax.
The porcelain is fashioned with carved moldings that elegantly frame the shapely cut of the basin.
这款瓷器具有独特得雕刻风格, 面盆盆腔形状优雅。
My personal feeling, that dragon is carved afterward, and two years ago that style was very popular.
个人感觉, 那个龙后雕的, 两年前这个式样很流行。
Feuding Imperial warlords carved up territory and materiel in their bids to become the next Emperor.
在帝国军阀割据领地, 争夺皇位的斗争中。
Early Indian stone architecture, which was elaborately carved, was more like sculpture than building.
Encyclical funeral oration after carved stone, still stand today east streams Jiang Ancestral Hall Lane.
The bell was made of the finest bronze and its design and intricately carved pictures were very elegant.
There is an arc in the center of the entrance hall for decoration, carved in an extremely soplisticated way.
Stone lions roar is carved on the door, wall of the dragon temple in gorgeous, as the essence of architecture.
All couplets carved on the entrance of a residence and express the ideal, earnest hope and belief of the host.
Round Carved Red Lacquer Box with a Scene of Paying a Lion as a Tribute to the Imperial Court of the Ming Dynasty
I carved the spirit of love into a huge projection which could cover the welkin, and agglomerated it into my hand.
The adornments which the Father gives to his daughters and sons are carved and painted in the deepest recesses of the soul.
Always looking to challenge himself as an artist, Cartoon has carved himself a place in corporate logo design and branding.
作为艺术家他不断挑战自我, 开创了自己的商标和品牌。
the banks of the Huanshui River in Henan Province collapsed, and many tortoise shells with carved patterns on them were revealed.
由于河南洹水决堤, 冲出许多刻字的甲骨,
Wang steeplechase on both sides of the bridge column, there are a variety of beautifully carved patterns, blade vigorous, lively style.
桥面两边的栏板望柱, 雕有各种精美图案, 刀法苍劲, 造型生动。
He took his tools and went to the basilica at night time and carved MICHEL ANGELUS BONAROTUS FLORENT FACIBAT on the chest of the Virgin Mary.
Glaze is allover inside and outside, the bottom is supported with five support pins, and there is royal poem written by Emperor Qianlong carved later.
The legend says that wearing jade articles carved in the shape of a pixiu (a fabulous wild beast) can ward off evil spirits and let riches come into your house.
Crowned by a roof with upswept eaves, the Pavilion of the Old Drunkard looks simple and antique, but very stately too, with walls filled with many carved inscriptions.

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