单词 anecdotal 例句大全,用单词anecdotal造句:

The problem here is that reports of its efficacy are mainly anecdotal.
I've shown a fair amount of anecdotal evidence, but what about the proof?
His findings are based on anecdotal evidence rather than serious research.
Most of it tends to be anecdotal but we wanted to see whether it was true.
这或许只是一则逸闻趣事, 我们想知道这是不是真的。
She said there was anecdotal evidence of increasing maggot use in the NHS.
We try to avoid extrapolating a flu epidemic from mere anecdotal evidence.
But rarely are these anecdotal impressions supplemented with any actual data.
However, many of the lessons learned are anecdotal and limited in application.
Anecdotal accounts suggest that effortful learning may also help some patients.
还有一些消息指出, 专注学习或许也能帮助一些病患。
Anecdotal evidence from farmers also suggests that restocking will not be fast.
It turns out that everyone's anecdotal experience out camping is actually true.
They were tested on many individuals and the anecdotal response has been amazing.
Yet anecdotal evidence suggests that there is little call for Britons with Mandarin.
然而, 许多证据表明英国人并没有多少必要学习汉语。
Postal rates were relatively cheap, but anecdotal accounts of lost letters are legion.
虽然邮费相对低廉, 但是丢失信件的轶事简直举不胜举。
Earlier anecdotal evidence suggests that on the 5th of breakfast may first across Mars.
此前有传闻说, 5日的早餐会可能会第一次撞出火星。
Today, the fabled connection between genius and madness is no longer merely anecdotal.
Yet based on anecdotal evidence , the quality of communication probably hasnt improved much!
而史实为证, 被传递的信息的质量恐怕并没有什么提高!
Anecdotal evidence suggests southern Europeans are keen to fill at least part of that demand.
坊间证据显示, 南欧人热切地希望填补至少部分缺口。
There is also the anecdotal evidence of an insurgency that claims to control half the country.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that diets high in sugar, citrus, and cereal grains may trigger canker sores.
Such knowledge is anecdotal and we must be careful when drawing conclusions based upon anecdotal evidence.
如此认知是偶然的, 当结论来源于偶然证据, 我们须小心谨慎。
There has been a substantial anecdotal flow over the last six to eight weeks of things that felt a little bit better.
Anecdotal evidence around the country shows unprecedentedly big numbers of people taking advantage of the opportunity.
Yongqing Xin history occurred surrender, Yang industry to build units, Qianlong anecdotal history of the system, such as poetry.
永清历史上曾发生韩信受降, 杨业筑台, 乾隆制诗等史实轶事。

单词 anecdotal 释义

  • 单词释义:传闻的;(含)轶事的  [更多..]



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