单词 andy 例句大全,用单词andy造句:

Andy used to work for an airport weather service.
Andy rises and walks away. Red lunges to his feet.
安迪站起身走开, 瑞德也赶紧站起来。
i adore andy lau, im a big fan of him, hes my idol.
我崇拜刘德华, 我是他的忠实影迷, 他是我的偶像。
Andy needs to input a mess of data to the database.
Andy, do you know when the network will be up again?
If Zhu is a real lover of Andy, I admire her very much.
如果朱真的是华仔的情人, 我倒是很钦佩她。
No one can deny that, as an actor, Andy Liu is diligent.
Andy Xie said that this is only an accounting phenomenon.
Wiley thrusts an envelope at Andy. Andy just stares at it.
韦利塞给安迪一个信封, 安迪只是盯着看。
Andy was a real sport and agreed to play for the other team.
安迪真讲义气, 他同意为另一个队打比赛。
Use Andy Lau one sentence in the advertisement of sonyericsson!
事业我一定争取, 对你我从为放弃!哈哈!
Carolyn and Bob are Andy's foster parents. They hope to adopt him.
The door is unlocked. Norton enters, trailed by his men. Andy rises.
牢门打开, 诺顿走进来, 后面跟着守卫, 安迪站起身。
Hong Kong singer Andy Lau admitted his secret marriage months earlier.
An unconfirmed source reports that Andy Lau will get married this year.
Nick and Andy play a losing game,each preoccupied with his own concerns.
Andy takes this as a cue to amble over. Heywood and Jigger pause, watching.
接着缓步走上前来, 海沃德和齐格停下来, 看着。
Andy, Andy, how are you doing? she said, using the name of my older brother.
Andy began to tell about his adventures all over again, but I choked him off.
I'd just give you one piece of advice the IRS wouldn't bother with,'Andy said.
We took Andy to the Garden in New York. Andy saw all kinds of tropical plants.
去了纽约的植物园, 小小宝看到了很多热带植物。
An adult crow lands on a filing cabinet andback and forth, checking him out. Andy smiles.
一只大乌鸦落在文件柜上来回走着审视着他, 安迪笑了。
We gave Andy a 10 question multiple choice personal quiz. The questions are all about Andy.
Andy takes knife, passes it to Red. Brooks dissolves into Andy's arms with great heaving sobs.
安迪拿过刀子, 递给瑞德, 布鲁克斯倒在安迪的怀里痛哭起来。
Andy The Cirque De Soleil is a mad one. Ive heard some of the music and its amazing. Ill see it next time Im in Vegas.
挺疯的, 我听过几首歌的确不错。下次我去维加斯时要去看看。

单词 andy 释义



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