单词 anew 例句大全,用单词anew造句:

First look out for worms, and supply vacancies by planting anew.
要注意虫子, 再在没有出苗的位置上补种苗。
The angle at which he saw everything began to be displaced anew.
He is constantly impressed anew by the quality of the surf in Hainan.
He threw his original hypothesis into the melting pot and began anew.
他抛弃他原先的假设, 开始新的假设。
Its important to step off on the right foot when you are in anew unit.
Now I was seeing the world anew in sharp, lush, topquality Technicolor!
最可怕的事情是, 我眼前的一切开始变化。
She surveyed him with a glance of awe and horror, then burst forth anew.
她用惊恐的眼光盯着他, 接着又哭了起来。
A moment later the piano goes back to forte and the sprint sets off anew.
the original specimen from which the description of anew species is made.
Enter anew world of digital entertainment with the touch of single button.
It is important to recognize that economic globalization is not anew trend.
意识到经济全球化不是新趋势, 这是很重要的。
The limitation period shall be counted anew from the time of discontinuance.
自中断时起, 时效期间重新计算。
A change in the weather is sufficient to create the world and ourselves anew.
Certainly is true, the right here grows up and forbade you to impair you anew.
Dont know to namely to approve or nay, peach bloom immediately anew Leng once.
The very act of accommodating itself to its own reflection would disturb it anew.
As a first step, the whole system of society is to be torn down and built up anew.
To get an accurate measurement use anew, clean lens filter before each measurement.
要精确丈量体温, 每一次使用前用新的, 洁净的探测头。
Dare anew to move my wife, I ambition let the team of Mu Teng cross Taiwan tomorrow.
再敢动我老婆, 我会让慕腾集团明天就跨台。
See small pearly the vulture after swallowing the base just receive a ladle space anew in.
In the p. m. cautiously process anew because a when, embroider some pattern what of become.
下午再仔细的加工一下, 绣点图案什么的就成了。
The limitation period for arbitration shall be calculated anew from the time of discontinuance.
从中断时起, 仲裁时效期间重新计算。
Those who have been doing evil should immediately stop, repent and start anew and make amends for their crimes by good deeds.
If alterations are made, the applicant must go anew through the examination and approval formalities for exemption from inspection.
Research on Vibration Characteristics of Air Spring with Auxiliary Chamber Based on Complex Stiffness It will breathe into them anew the breath of life

单词 anew 释义



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