单词 apex 例句大全,用单词apex造句:

Cymes terminal, conical bracts lanceolate, herbaceous, ciliate, apex acuminate.
苞片披针形, 草质, 具缘毛的, 先端渐尖。
Apex of leaves obtuserounded or acute vittae 1 in each furrow, 2 on commissure.
叶钝的圆形的或锐尖的先端油管每棱槽1, 在合生面上2。
Leaves obscure or slightly scalelike, broadly triangular, apex obtuse or acute.
叶不明显或稍鳞片状, 宽三角形, 先端钝或锐尖。
calyptra pyramidal awlshaped, shorter than hypanthium, apex slightly acute.
Basiscopic half obliquely cuneate or auriculate, margin denticulate, apex acute.
Leaves broadly linearlanceolate, small, venation indistinct, apex acicular.
; sepals ovate; petals white, lanceolate or long ovate, apex acuminate or obtuse.
Bracts obviously longer than seed scales, apex acuminate, with a lanceolate cusp.
显而易见苞片长于种鳞, 先端渐尖, 具一装尖点。
Leaves narrowly elliptic or ovatelanceolate, apex short acuminate, base attenuate.
披针形叶狭椭圆形或卵形, 先端短使尖锐, 基部渐狭。
Fig.4 Yellow apex stage, showing the normal and abnormal structure of mitochondria.
Nectaries 3, hemispheric, abaxially glabrous, apex usually with a tuft of trichomes.
anthers narrowly lanceolate, longitudinally dehiscent, punctate dorsally, apex acute.
狭披针形的花药, 纵向开裂, 背具点, 先端锐尖。
This is accomplished by pressing the balls together from the back the rack the apex ball.
Branchlets and inflorescences tomentose. Sepals obtuse, rarely acute or acuminate at apex.
Tendrils trifurcate, sometimes apex of one branch with vestiges of abortive inflorescences.
卷须三叉的, 有时先端的一分枝具败育花序的形迹的。
The left anterior descending coronary artery extends down from the aortic root to the apex.
Rotating the disc of the compound rest with an angle equal to half the apex angle of the cone.
segments slightly concave adaxially, cucullate, slightly succulent near apex abaxially, 3veined.
正面的裂片稍凹面, 兜状, 稍肉质近先端背面, 3脉。
Apex acuminate to cuspidate; abaxial surface paler, glabrous, midrib with minute setae and glands.
Leaves alternate, terete or semiterete, fleshy, apex obtuse or easily deciduous spinose mucronate.
叶互生, 圆柱状或半圆柱状, 肉质, 先端钝或者容易落叶短尖。
This is accomplished by pressing the balls together from the back of the rack toward the apex ball.
A dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer.
A sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer.
Clinical Observation on 67 Cases of Abnormal Motion Phenomenon at Apex Area of Heart in Prophase Coronary Heart Disease Treated with Bu Xin Decoction
The Comparison between the Method of Blood Letting in Ear Apex and Electric Stimulation in Ear Apex at the Immediate Effect of Decompression for Hypertension

单词 apex 释义

  • 单词释义:顶;<喻>顶峰;<美><矿>脉尖;尖端  [更多..]



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