单词 apiece 例句大全,用单词apiece造句:

Experts estimate the cost of replacing credit cards is as high as 20 apiece.
Take apiece of paper and write down the answers. The analysis is in the end.
After a fairy long argument they got two rickshaws for twelve coppers apiece.
The Rays won last nights game to even the bestofseven series at a game apiece.
Victor supplied them with a pint of beer apiece and said he would chalk it up.
Canada, Australia Snatch One Gold Apiece at Commonwealth Games Diving Competition
Then you come back blasting. And dont take any chance. Two shots in the head apiece.
回来时就开枪, 别失误, 对准头各开两枪。
The scanners are also priced at around 150, 000 apiece, making cost a concern as well.
该扫描仪也售价约为150, 000元每人, 制造成本也关注。
So we created three campaigns of five scenarios each, one apiece for each civilization.
Of the four columns, three had merely two brigades apiece, and only one had three brigades.
有三个纵队每个纵队仅两个旅, 只有一个纵队是三个旅
Based on counts made over several days, individuals consumed a daily average of 500 apiece.
The company told shareholders it would launch a tender offer to purchase shares at 330p apiece.
The two sides have played 14 Italian Cup matches for a total of 4 victories apiece and 4 draws.
Marco Belinelli and Brandan Wright 14 apiece, and Andris Biedrins had eight points and 17 rebounds.
贝里内里和布兰登赖特各拿下14分, 别德林斯拿下8分和17个篮板。
Their first meeting was in the brig at Camp McIntyre while serving 30 days apiece for insubordination.
自由, 不是无代价的。
A lawsuit has been filed in a French court to stop the auction of the bronzes, valued at 11 million apiece.
Both George Bush junior and Bill Clinton got through four budget directors apiece during their time in office.
Since new recruits dont upgrade very far, I have made more of them available and they cost only 5 denars apiece.
由于新兵们并不能升级太多次, 因此招募他们只须5第纳尔。
Across the street, theyre a dollar apiece, but theyre not as good as these. You can compare them and see why.
Apiece of iron near a magnet, though apparently separate from it, feels, as it were, the threads of this attachment.
Beijing Capital Tourism shares, which have doubled in price since the start of this year, closed at13. 84 yuan apiece Thursday.

单词 apiece 释义

  • 单词释义:每个;每件;每人;各自地  [更多..]



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