单词 append 例句大全,用单词append造句:

This is the value to be used to add, append, or replace to the specified setting.
这是用于添加, 附加或替换某以设置的值。
Cannot append pages from the selected document because it does not have any pages.
This media contains one or more backup sets. Do you want to append to this media ?
Organisers may amend or append the terms and conditions without prior notification.
If you hand in your report late, append a note explaining the reason for the delay.
如果你的报告迟交了, 附加一便条解释你迟交的原因。
It will even append a list of your references to make formatting a bibliography easy!
Determines whether to append the output to the current file or write it to a new file.
Do you want to append this backup set This option will preserve the data on the media.
The operation was not performed because an append operation was requested for new media.
因为为新媒体请求了附加操作, 所以未能执行操作。
Select this option to append tracing information to the bottom of web pages on your site.
This means that you cannot append data to an existing table by performing a linking operation.
这意味着, 不能通过链接操作将数据追加到现有的表中。
Unable seek backward to overwrite data that previously existed in a file opened in append mode.
Append a symbol to the beginning of the property name to display the results in descending order.
如果在属性名开头添加一个符号, 则按降序显示结果。
I have grant power of procuration to my chief clerk, Mr. y. yada, whose signature is append below.
兹授予矢田次郎先生代理我公司签名权, 其签名如下。
Do you want to append imported items to list If you choose No, the list items will be overwritten.
A signature file is a short amount of text that you want to append to the end of your email messages.
Double right angle brackets are used to append the output of a command to a file, if the file exists.
The design of resistant Capsize of the top floordrain append cornice together with moulding circle pillar
This media does not support being overwitten and media overwrite had been selected. Do you want to append

单词 append 释义

  • 单词释义:附加;添加;贴上;签(名)  [更多..]



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