单词 approval 例句大全,用单词approval造句:

The implementation of new laws, statutes and precedents needs the examination and approval of many agencies.
Plan approval in accordance with statutory requirements of the government of the flag State, when authorised.
Yesterday, the State Oceanic Administration introduced ten measures to reduce time and links of the approval.
昨日, 国家海洋局出台十项措施, 减少审批环节和时间。
The account balance is always affected, even if some days elapse between the deposit and approval activities.
帐户余额总会改变, 即使存款活动与批准活动之间相隔数日。
The approval of the director of administration must be sought for any proposed use of the contingency reserve.
In such cases, subsequent ex post facto approval was sought for an exception to the standards of accommodation.
Do you tear yourself down, and belittle your own accomplishments, in an attempt to win approval from others
Project applicants may then use the approval document to go through relevant formalities at agencies concerned.
The revocation of a special hydrometric station shall be subject to the approval of the original approval organ.
The Advisory Committee recommends approval of all the additional posts requested in view of the increased workload.
National autonomous areas adjoining foreign countries may develop border trade with the approval of the State Council.
与外国接壤的民族自治地方经国务院批准, 开展边境贸易。
The notice of the approval of enterprise's appellation provided by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.
The agreement on the repayment of debt shall be legally effective upon the approval by an order of the maritime court.
受偿协议经海事法院裁定认可, 具有法律效力。
This Agreement shall enter into force on its approval by the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Commission.
The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval.
最辉煌的成就是不断地超越自己, 并能赢得自己的认可。
The Operation and Protection of the Defense Rights of the Accused after the Callback of the Approval Power for Death Penalty
Furthermore, there is responsibility even in the event of consent to, or tacit approval of, the actions of this administration.
Serious efforts were made to implement Law of Administrative Licensing and deepen the reform of administrative approval system.
认真贯彻行政许可法, 深化行政审批制度改革。
Analysis of the arrest approval system under the high arrest approval rate from the perspectives of normalization and operation
高批捕率下的审批逮捕制 从规范层面与操作层面分析
In case it fails to submit the report about the environmental impacts, the examination and approval organ may not grant approval.
A debenture issue agreement which is signed without the approval of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange shall be invalid.
CBRC shall, on the same day as issuing the approval certificate, submit to the Ministry of Commerce the approval certificate stub.
Special rights of a member may not be adversely affected by a resolution of the general meeting without the approval of that member.
But others said they suspected it was more than a coincidence that approval was granted right after the new administration took office.
You shall give an impetus to the reform of the administrative examination and approval system of customs, transfer the powers of examination and approval to the lower levels

单词 approval 释义

  • 单词释义:赞成;认可;通过;赞许;试用  [更多..]



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