单词 artful 例句大全,用单词artful造句:

And he doesnt need the help of the Artful Dodger to pick up anything that glitters.
他不需要狡猾的道奇尔的帮助, 就能获得任何发光的奖杯。
Should say artful also, I hear of a place has tornado, holding monitor in the arms.
The police have arrested these artful rascals who gathered together to make trouble.
hind, one like to go up this wises and farsighted and the woman of clever and artful.
后, 一下就喜欢上这个睿智而慧黠的女人。
After that, he could decide whether to continue the friendship with the Artful Dodger.
Trying the method of brief lecturing and artful exercise in teaching juniors chemistry
ShadowsReflections They can transform an ordinary object in something artful or abstract.
You artful hussy ! Now, tell me didnt you make that hat blow off on purpose Ill swear you did!
after thief listens, be frightened to run again, thief thinks how so artful, answer again then.
Artful Application of Budget Software of Architectural Engineering in Metallurgical Engineering
Golden utensils matching crystal glass, famous chefs run the kitchen and prepare the artful dishes.
Use Artful Impelling Mechanism, Exploring Human Resources Potential to Promote Business Development
The little girl is an artful dodgershe can get anything she wants from her parents by her cunning talk.
but it was not certainly predictive that I would one day make my living out of the artful arrangement of words.
但也绝不可能让我预测到 有天我竟然能用写作来谋生
WORD OF THE DAY coy bashful , shy marked by artful playfulness. I think she is being coy to get your attention!
害羞忸怩作态我想她的忸怩作态, 是想引起你的注意吧!
Different of the film inside the uterus how can adhesion prevent after the artful bursa operation that disease causes
We also offer many hip hop clothings such as Bape, ed hardy, artful dodger, CLH, , red monkey, Evisu, Christian audigier, gino green global brands ect.

单词 artful 释义

  • 单词释义:巧妙的;狡猾的;有技巧的;人工的  [更多..]



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