单词 archer 例句大全,用单词archer造句:

Will you oblige me, Mr. Archer by first looking through these papers
阿切尔先生, 你先满足我的要求, 把这些信件看一遍好?
Newland Archer always prides himself on his knowledge of Italian art.
The Emperor of Heaven sent the archer Hou Yi to help Yao bring order.
The Emperor ordered a famous archer to shoot down the nine extra suns.
The Emperor ordered a famous archer to shoot down the nine extra suns.
The Archer's charisma and thirst for adventure will hold your interest.
Hou Yi was a great archer and brought his magic bow from heaven with him.
后羿善射箭, 下凡时随身带着他的神弓。
Ordinarily, one would expect the archer to be a perfectionist to the core!
That soldier adopted the human boy, teaching him to be an excellent archer.
In the final round of team events, each archer fires 9 arrows at the target.
A peasant archer is armed with a small bow and knife. Not to be relied upon.
A master archer or sharpshooter who excels in bringing down enemies from afar.
He did not in the least wish the future Mrs. Newland archer to be a simpleton.
I felt in my bones that Archer didnt go him justice and I wanted to make sure.
It was, perhaps, Archer reflected, because her early vivacity had disappeared.
The archer draws back the target arrow at the anchor point with is drawing hand.
运动员用拉弦手向后拉弓弦, 直到了满弓点。
Archer Militia are armed with a small bow, knife and if lucky enough, some armour.
弓箭民兵装备猎弓和短刀, 部分幸运士兵可配备盔甲。
Archer missiles and magnetic accelerator cannons fired in a desperate counterstrike.
Soon the archer sensed an aloofness, a lack of confidence, in the Emperor's attitude.
It was impossible for Archer to discuss the necessity of May's accompanying her father.
The outer door closed on Archer and he walked hastily away toward the telegraph office.
外大门在阿切尔身后关上了, 他急忙向电报局走去。
When all rounds are completed, the winner is the archer with the highest number of points.
当各组轮次全部结束后, 得分最高的运动员获胜。
Archer had seated himself near the window and was gazing out blankly at the deserted thoroughfare.
阿切尔坐在窗口, 茫然地凝望着空无人迹的大街。
Imbue Arrow Allows the archer to fire an arrow that has the fireball spell cast upon it three times a day.
Once the task was accomplished, Goddess of Western Heaven rewarded the archer with a pill that would make him immortal.

单词 archer 释义

  • 单词释义:n.射手,弓术家,[天]人马星座  [更多..]



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