单词 argumentation 例句大全,用单词argumentation造句:

The netizen judges and argumentation, such selling the home should be in naughty disappear on treasure.
Argumentation Intensity of the Combination Group of Inductive Argumentation and Deductive Argumentation
In procedure aspect, argumentation from coherence needs an equal debate and dialogue among judge attendee.
Soames. S and David P. Syntactic Argumentation and the Structure of English. University of Califonia Press.
Xie Wen judges exposition argumentation, internet history is not long, whitman is one of delegate characters.
Argumentation and Application of Law of Sines and Cosines at Not Known Dot Setting Survey Dot of Theodolite Lead
Matter relates to the issues in debate, the case being presented and the material used to substantiate argumentation.
指辩论过程中的素材, 即用来支持定义的论点和论据。
Thirdly, the paper discusses the bodily idiographic presentation in modernistic sculpture through the argumentation of examples.
再次, 通过实例论证身体在现代主义雕塑中的具体呈现。
Firstly, the project argumentation should be enough and rigorous to assure the reasonability and feasibility of the cooperative project.
一是严谨缜密, 充分论证, 确保合作项目合理可行
The Metaphysical Essence of the Argumentation on Word and Meaning and Its Global Influence on Chinese Classical Theory of Literature and Art
The Trial Argumentation on the Position and Functions of Sports Philosophic Teaching During the Course of Teaching in Physical Culture Colleges and Departments

单词 argumentation 释义



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