单词 aristocratic 例句大全,用单词aristocratic造句:

Randolph Trumbach, The Rise of the Egalitarian Family Aristocratic Kinship and Domestic Relations in EnghteenthCentury England.
Instead they evoke a series of allegorical meanings that would have mystified all but his coterie of young, aristocratic patrons.
Understanding the Legitimate Elements in the Aristocratic Culture of the Chunqiu Period and Reformative Measures in the Teaching of Historical Documents
maintain an aristocratic exclusiveness which protects them against rust or tarnish, iron is passionately fond of society, especially that of oxygen, which, cleaves to it closer than a brother.
氧依恋着铁, 比兄弟还亲密。

单词 aristocratic 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.贵族的,贵族化的,贵族政治的  [更多..]



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