单词 aristocracy 例句大全,用单词aristocracy造句:

By supporting these people, the aristocracy could also cultivate their own power.
Many members of the aristocracy were guillotined in France during the Revolution.
They learned to speak several languages and were introduced to Europes aristocracy.
他们学会不同的语言, 被引荐给欧洲的贵族。
Norman French was the language of the aristocracy, including the King and his court.
This Barolo reflects the most typical style of the wines virtuosity and aristocracy.
To think that a man who mends our scraper should know any member of our aristocracy!
The Relations Between the English Court and the Aristocracy in the Latter Middle Ages
Some of the aristocracy did take exception at his neglecting to raise his cap to them.
In the aristocracy in society are, the Rose and the Code is absolutely not be violated.
在贵族们的社交界中, 蔷薇守则是绝对且不容侵犯。
Aristocracy to maintain its rule, the people and the brutal repression of Christians.
These sons of the aristocracy and the rich lead an easy life, with everything provided.
这些公子王孙衣来伸手, 饭来张口。
Swarovski So give up the luxury of the aristocracy to give up and take the modern route.
Luxury brands are forever trying to anchor themselves in the prewar European aristocracy.
Once upon a time these equated to the old groupings of aristocracy, merchants and workers.
从前有个时期, 这就是旧有的贵族, 商人和工人3个阶级。
He and his clergy were in alliance with the aristocracy, and were strongly opposed to reform.
他和他的僧侣联合了贵族阶级, 坚决反对革新。
The aristocracy of England were not like the noblesse of France, the mere minions of a court.
When the Revolution of 1787 began, many members of the French aristocracy fled to other lands.
then the relationship between the declining aristocracy and the upstart capitalist is expounded.
Mother in Setting Sun is generally recognized as one of representatives of declining aristocracy.
As part of their education, youth of the British aristocracy undertook an extended tour of Europe.
As far as the theocracy and aristocracy of Stygia is concerned, they do not need the outsiders trade.
Therefore, the study of inheritance system should be nobility the important aspect of aristocracy study.
The aristocracy, in order to rally the people to them, waved the proletarian almsbag in front for a banner.
为了拉拢人民, 贵族们把无产阶级的乞食袋当作旗帜来挥舞。
During the Western Zhou period, ancestor worship may have been practiced only by members of the aristocracy.
在西周时期, 祖先崇拜可能只在贵族成员中盛行。
The Shang aristocracy is believed to use a large number of bronze vessels for sacrificial offerings of food and wine.
人们认为, 商朝贵族用许多青铜容器来装祭祀用的食物和酒。

单词 aristocracy 释义

  • 单词释义:n.贵族,贵族政府,贵族统治  [更多..]



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