单词 arm 例句大全,用单词arm造句:

A stage manager told them where to go and suggested they walk arm in arm.
舞台监督告诉他们该怎么走位, 建议他们走的时候手挽着手。
Along the river are several courting couples strolling happily arm in arm.
The transposing arm is easily removable by loosening screw on side of arm.
This is advance arm drill where the opposite arm is not balancing in front.
这是升级了的单臂训练, 反向的手臂没有放在前面用以平衡。
Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow.
You could break your arm jumping rope. You could break your arm at gymnastics.
And he has to select it by touch using a virtual arm, an arm that doesn't exist.
If correctly hidden right arm, right arm straight and his hands are in the ball.
若能够正确隐藏右臂, 右臂笔直, 且双手都在球后。
Hand on top of paddle, elbow straight, arm extended up. Bottom arm also extended.
The two girls were laughing and joking as they walked arm in arm down the street.
Sally and Jean were laughing and joking as they walked arm in arm down the street.
and as for taking his arm, I should as soon think of taking the arm of an elmtree.
要去挽他的手臂, 让我不由会想到我是挽着一根榆树枝。
The two sisters were laughing and joking as they walked arm in arm down the street.
Unilateral arm curved cubits make dumbbell another side of the arm to elbow inside.
Then let mine arm fall from my shoulder blade, and mine arm be broken from the bone.
Did not say too much words, we arm in arm, as it is, to spend the whole day with you.
没有说过太多的话, 我们肩并着肩, 因为, 是和你度过的一天。
Sally and Joan laughing and joking together as they walked arm in arm down the street.
The monkey recognized that whatever she did with her arm, this prosthetic arm would do.
猴子意识到无论她用手做什么, 那假肢也会做什么。
Saw Wheel are uphold by double arm.single arm can flex and to adjust the deflection of saw blade.
To bend the arm at the elbow, the muscle at the front of the upper arm has to shorten and bunch up.
要从肘部弯曲手臂, 就要收缩上臂正面的肌肉。
It is organized chiefly in fighting aviation arm, bomber aviation arm, airborne troops and airfields.
In the arm, you can measure blood flow in the arm by how much it swells up as some blood flows into it.
你测量手臂上的血流 测量血流通过时血管扩张了多少
Have you ever loved someone so much you give an arm for Not the expression, NO, literally give an arm for.
Replace the arm on the turntable and tighten the height locking screw sufficiently to hold the arm in position.
The arm lifting belt is connected with the arm lifting ring and can be assembled, disassembled and adjusted arbitrarily.
吊臂带与吊臂带环连接, 可随意装卸调整。

单词 arm 释义

  • 单词释义:臂,手臂;袖子;扶手;狭长地带;分支机构  [更多..]



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