单词 alignment 例句大全,用单词alignment造句:

Improving Alignment Accuracy of Rotating Shafts with Laser Aligning Instrument
Delimitation, Alignment and Error Detection Procedure in Receive Direction ACPI
接收方定界, 定位和错误检查过程
Stuffing box is integral with agitator housing for positive alignment of shaft.
依据混合器轴的实际安装情况, 一个完整的填料箱。
Alignment in all cases will follow the alignment set for the individual columns.
Installment without Stowirons and Alignment Adjustment of Centrifugal Compressor.
The girt alignment shall be subject to acceptance by the metal wall panel erector.
Do not pack too much force, the alignment of the corners have to carefully adjust well.
The shaded columns indicate padding that is required to achieve the specified alignment.
The period of nationwide alignment is unforgettable for people of my father's generation
An unusual change of alignment can add interest and draw attention to a dancer's statement.
Stress Intensity Evaluation and Alignment Tolerance Discussion for Activation Carbon Filter.
To optimize the alignment design, revisions have been made to the alignment provided in the rfp.
Typically the discriminator will be tunable by some mechanism in order to achieve this alignment.
Lower book cover down onto adhesive end sheet.Press back cover down on book.Alignment is assured.
Insure while bending the assembly that the alignment marks maintain alignment with the bender arrows.
投保而弯曲得大会, 折弯机对准定位标记保持与箭。
And the text will be aligned with the right side of the control instead of the default left alignment.
这样文本将与控件的右侧对, 而不是默认的左对方式。
Care must be taken to avoid stressing the unit unduly as this could affect the alignment of the shafts.
注意减速机不能重压, 这样会影响轴的找正
Special precautions must be taken, however, to maintain continuously the proper accelerometer alignment.
但是, 必须采取专门的措施使加速度计不断维持正常的取向。
Rotary's die cutting tool like printing plate cylinder, vertical alignment adjustment can be carried out.
圆压圆的模切刀像印版滚筒不同, 可以举动纵向套准调度。
If this is not the case, the alignment needle roller bearing must be subjected to an additional radial load.
如果不是这样, 必须使对中滚针轴承承受额外的径向载荷。
Second, the alignment algorithm based on Bracketing Transduction Grammar aligns the phrasal structure groups.
The center point of this pen width is aligned relative to the line being drawn depending on the alignment value.
Control over high alignment accuracy and high speed of a precision alignment system based on laser moire signals
The Determination of Four Active Compounds Alignment in Different Storage Period of Flos Trollii Chinensis by HPLC
Adjust the alignment to be below allowable values listed in the specification table of each product provided in this catalog.
请调整偏差, 使其低于各产品规格表中列出的容许值。

单词 alignment 释义

  • 单词释义:调准,校正;结盟,联合  [更多..]



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