单词 altair 例句大全,用单词altair造句:

Altair is as bright as Vega and Deneb.
牵牛星与织女和天津四相比, 光亮度还是略为逊色。
Altair is not as bright as Vega and Deneb.
We can see neither Altair or Ursa Major in the cloudy night sky.
I saw the bright Altair and the two adjacent stars in the sky in an unclouded Summer night.
I saw the bright Altair, and the two adjacent stars in the sky in a unclouded summer night.
晴朗的夏夜, 我望见了明亮的扁担星。
The Big Dipper, the star Altair and the star Vega can be identified, but other stars cannot.
有些星宿如北斗七星, 牛郎织女星可以辨识, 有些则难以分辨。

单词 altair 释义



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