单词 also 例句大全,用单词also造句:

Also, the mission that you cant finish also make you depress.
And i also think Murray Perahia s version is also relic gud!!
Also, in the al gori attached copy shop is also not difficult.
His roommate, meanwhile, also also went on to graduate school.
与此同时, 桑迪的室友也进入了研究生院学习。
His second Padawan, whom he also loved, had also betrayed him.
You also escape he also escapes, I want to escape his callback.
你也逃他也逃, 我要想逃他回调。
You of heart, breeze also, ensign son also not floated to move.
你的心止, 风也止了, 旗子也不飘动了。
Surprisingly, also didnt dare to think, ah, I also did not know.
Also known as Xuanming basalt, it is also called the North Ming.
Pardonable also, so old man, also did not know to bear how long.
Also cover high low also cover, set on you run to be not dropped.
高也套低也套, 套上你就跑不掉。
Sung also has a private secretary, so she also has a Secretariat.
Yingying crying, Wenxuan also shocked, and students also talk up.
I said, I will answer also my part, I also will shew mine opinion.
我也要回答我的一分话, 陈说我的意见。
Research also indicates they are also at higher risk of cot death.
We're pretty too, but we also score goals and we also defend well.
我们也踢得漂亮, 但我们还进球还守得好。
I once, also similar to today, also met the pain, also has cried ?
我曾经是不是, 也如同今天这般, 也会痛, 也哭过?
This also is what the night time bardo and life review is also for.
But also the day for the number of players delivery is also limited.
So we also pay attention to Father's Day, they also do a lot for us!
因此我们也应该注意父亲节, 他们也为我们做很多!
Zhengzhou why special. I also am Zhengzhou person, I also am asking.
Also struggles also worries is not the means has walked remains wrong
也挣扎也牵挂也不是办法, 走也罢留也罢错了?
Also take her to touch newborn piggy, also to the river to play water.
还带她去摸一摸刚出生的小猪, 也到河边去玩水。
But also have a normal fluctuation, volatility will also be a feature.
但是产生波动也是正常的, 波动也将是一个特征。
The ground also was cut, autumn also closed, grain sells quickly also.

单词 also 释义



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