单词 ameliorate 例句大全,用单词ameliorate造句:

Strengthen and Ameliorate the Construction of the Party Committee as Required by the Partys Progressiveness
Chocolate corns can use as the accretion of chocolate which can ameliorate the taste of chocolate evidently.
Conclusion ShaJi can significantly ameliorate oxygen metabolism in myocardium of anesthetized thoracoopened dogs.
Whats worse, the media did not responsibly report the friction, thus failed to ameliorate the interethnic relations.
All of these help ameliorate the impact of an unrestrained occupant against the interior of the passenger compartment.
Histamine receptor antagonist prevent and ameliorate airway remodeling and acid base imbalance in asthma of guinea pig
The glucosamine hydrochloride can ameliorate the metabolism and nutrition of bones, and can protect cartilage tissues.
盐酸氨基葡萄糖能够改善骨代谢和骨营养, 保护软骨组织
Please indicate what effective measures the State party has adopted to ameliorate the living conditions of the Roma people.
The kinesalgia endurance capacity of the Taking medicine after fair markedness raise acgrotus, ameliorate hemodynamics indes.
In the way of emphasizing it is necessary to conciliate public authorization , so we could ameliorate the organizational conduct
通过强调得到公众认可的必要性, 来改善组织行为
Third, attach importance to the substantial results of moral education, and promote the school moral education to ameliorate and innovate.
第三, 注重德育实效, 积极改进和创新学校德育工作。
There is reason to hope that within the next 25 years new drugs will be able to ameliorate most if not all cancers and maybe even cure some of them.

单词 ameliorate 释义

  • 单词释义:<正,夸>(使)改善,改进;减轻(痛苦等);改良  [更多..]



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