单词 america 例句大全,用单词america造句:

Occasionally jumped out singer or quiver ! America , Click on the additional incentives
偶尔也会跳出静香或者哆啦美, 点击的话有额外奖励呢!
A Comparative Study of Accounting Objective Orientation Among China, America and Germany
中, 美, 德会计目标定位的比较研究
But he said the biggest achievement of his administration has been keeping America safe.
The pressure on the industry is most acute in America, which leads the world in obesity.
The pressure on the industry is most acute in America, which leads the world in obesity.
Jesus wasnt specifically addressing America with these words, though he might have been.
耶稣这些话并非针对美国而言, 尽管也有可能。
Cocaine abuse is still strongly concentrated in the Americas, in particular North America.
Analysed from the accuracy of the altitude of the airplanes, America was the only suspect.
从准确的高度来看, 只有美国自己可以计算得如此准确。
Then you would become another addition to America's wonderfully rich nation of immigrants.
Should America and Europe abandon any pretense of even wanting to promote democracy abroad?
The West Indies are a large group of islands lying between North America and South America.
confederate ally. accomplice an adherent of the Confederate States of America or their cause.
解说同盟, 同谋者, 同党美国南北战争时的南方政府。
I think is the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America.
这是美国国家科学院院刊 的缩写。
The j Journal of T the America Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry published the study.
And to achieve this notmuchbetterthan parity, America has had to pump itself full of steroids.
况且即使达到现在水平, 美国也有些力不从心。
America is an engineering achievement, a bridge over which you can cross the chasm of despair.
And Im absolutely confident that America has no better ambassadors to offer than our young people.
我很自信, 美国年轻人将会是最好的使者。
The distinctions between Latin America and Anglo America are not merely linguistic but also cultural.
In America do you typically have to make an appointment at a nail shop or are walk-ins mostly accepted?
America tried to accomplish two countries'approach in politics through the unification of their tariffs.
How ungrateful then that, as the talks limp towards collapse, accusing fingers are being pointed at America.
What form of transportation did Aboriginal peoples and fur traders use to create trading networks in North America?
Flaunts America with the false semblance, was not better than receives in exchange for America with the tribulation sweat.
与其用虚伪的外表来标榜美, 不如用磨难的汗水换取美。
It is one of hundreds of ad hoc paranormal groups that together comprise many tens of thousands of members in North America.
And, once the revolution had occurred, why did the gains accrue so disproportionately to countries in Europe and North America

单词 america 释义

  • 单词释义:美洲;美国;[电影]亚美利加  [更多..]



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