单词 audiovisual 例句大全,用单词audiovisual造句:

It is the necessary result of education development for educational techniques to replace audiovisual education.
hanger, and other Audiovisual equipment, and the mainland hope that the productive cooperation of the manufacturers.
吊架等电教设备, 希望和大陆有生产能力的厂家合作。
The proviso stipulated in Paragraph 1 and the provisions of the preceding Paragraph shall also apply when legal audiovisual relationships are terminated.
第一项但书及前项规定, 于视听法律关系终止之情形, 适用之。

单词 audiovisual 释义

  • 单词释义:n.(常用复数)视听设备,视听教材;adj.视听的  [更多..]



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