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The acceptance to Hua Jian Ji at these two periods is at a low tide.
Free at last! free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
终于自由了!终于自由了!感谢全能的上帝, 我们终于自由了!
Free at last, free at last; thank God Almighty, we are free at last.
Seeking treatment at accident and emergency wards at public hospitals
At present, the international accounting standards at very fast pace.
And it does it at a vastly accelerated pace and often at a lower cost.
而且开发速度大大加快, 成本往往较低。
Means of access at Podium Level 3 or above may be locked at all times.
Place, and look at your accounts online at least once or twice a week.
Mort got us in at the right time and out at the absolute golden moment.
At the present stage, only4 accused remain at large of the161 indicted.
A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other.
钓竿是一端有构子, 另一端有傻子的竹竿。
At the time of the accident, the car was travelling at a moderate speed.
事故发生时, 该车正以中速行驶。
Accusing you the object, to at her the Semi Mi she should not at things!
But Jake just looked at then looked up at me and then back at the kitten.
但是, 杰克只是看看小猫, 瞧瞧我, 再看看小猫。
Silver support at 12. 95 an ounce, resistance at 13. 23, 14day RSI at 60.
An insider at Zotye Auto said the vehicle is selling at a loss at present.
I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes.
我盯着她, 她微笑着用她那水晶般的眼睛看着我。
We were jubilant at the news that Carla had been accepted at the university.
You also made the LORD angry at Taberah, at Massah and at Kibroth Hattaavah.
Turn right at the Post Office. Huck at the after oar and Joe at the forward.
Do your classmates and you have lunch at twelve at half past twelve at noon ?
A setting made at a higher level may override a setting made at a lower level.
A schoolchild at a boarding school who has meals at school but sleeps at home.
At their leader's command set out at andupon the enemy at the village of Adasa.
然后遵照领袖的命令, 立时从那里动身, 在德扫村与敌人交锋。
Carolyn looked around her, at the sink, the floor, at the table, at everything.
卡洛琳环顾四周, 看着洗涤池, 地板, 桌子和每一件东西。

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