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She at the flowers. She at the people. There was a family at the farthest stand.
她看着花, 她看着人们。在最远处的花亭有一家人。
They like books and ideas and are absolutely hopeless at running anything at all.
All these enclosures abut upon the river at one end, and on a house at the other.
At present there is no accurate screening test available to identify women at risk.
At the moment the book you want is at the bottom of that pile, and can't be got at.
At the moment the book you want is at the bottom of the pile, and cant be got at.
But im not at all religious at all, and of course i have no interest at it, either.
The winners will be announced at the Awards Day at MCS at the end of the school year.
At airport terminal I will watch out for his suitcase at all times during his absence.
在机场, 当他不在时我会时刻看著他的公事包。
but at some point they had to at least suggest the abject nature of the bestial desire.
He looked at the silverthorn tract, at the fourteen acres which were scraped and clean.
Narglatch young abandoned at birth and must learn to fend for themselves at a young age.
纳格拉驰的幼兽自出生起就被抛弃, 必须从小学会保护自己。
He placed the horse at the stable to remain at livery at the rate of 30 shillings a day.
At the end of that, I end up with programs that are absolutely perfect at sorting numbers.
结束时,我得到 绝对完美地分类资料的程式。
She grimaced a smile at each of them,and nodded hurriedly at any remark directed at her.
On the Pale Parasite in the Soil Found at the Abdomen of Buried Men Unearthed at Jiahu Site
We were surprised at what he said at the meeting. What he said at the meeting surprised us.
A matinee at 11 30, an afternoon performance at 4 and two evening ones at 7 00 respectively.
Diurnal variation of absolute humidity at all levels was higher in a day, and lower at night.
His eyes glanced momentarily at me, and his lips parted with an abortive attempt at a laugh.
The priest arrived at church and found his way to his accustomed place at the front of the church.
I saw the man yesterday at about, just let me think about it a moment, oh yes, at about ten oclock.
我昨天大约, 让我想一想, 对, 大约十点钟见过这男子。
Accrual rate The rate at which interest is accrued. In pensions, the rate at which benefits accrue.
Typical motion estimation is composed of at integer pixel accuracy and other at half pixel accuracy.
How A Leading Group at A Higher Lever Help A Leading Group at A Lower Lever Being Full of Contradictions

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