单词 average 例句大全,用单词average造句:

Just as we introduced average velocity now I am going to introduce average acceleration.
Study the Difference between Average Size and Official Average Size in the Raw Silk Test
The average Malian draws 4 cubic metres a year for domestic use, the average American 215.
The healthiest competition occurs when average people win by putting above average effort.
The average decarburization time is 20 minutes and the average treatment time is 29 minutes.
The Kaminoans reconditioned an average of seven aberrant clones for every two hundred clones.
在卡米诺人的控制下, 平均每两百个复制人会产生七个异常。
And calibrate the net weight upon arrival at the port based on the actual average tare weight.
Average Collection PeriodThe average amount of time required to collect an account receivable.
That was during average average of eleven 11 years after the cancer was discoveragediscovered.
The average ionizations computed by the average atom model are compared with experimental data.
Access to the disadvantaged in the market, the average selling law may profit lock control risk.
在大盘进入弱势时, 均线卖出法可锁定获利控制风险。
The whole model of being Proctor and Gamble is always about average products for average people.
Correlation Analysis on Representative Line Average Flow Velocity and Section Average Flow Velocity
横塘村水文站代表线平均流速 断面平均流速相关分析
A graph of average speeds versus time can give the acceleration due to gravity of the falling object.
平均速度 时间图表可以给出这个自由落体的重力加速度。
At the same oxygen concentration, the average activation energy of sludge was higher than that of coal.
相同氧浓度下, 污泥的平均表观活化能比煤低。
The average household income for Australia's Indigenous population is 60% of the non-Indigenous average.
There are three basic covers, namely, Free from Particular Average, With Particular Average and All Risks.
Secondly, we achieve the average time that the random point reaches the three absorbent boundaries respectively.
The average height and diameter at breast height of reeds are significantly correlated with average water depth.
abstract Objective To explore the dominate factors influencing the average length of stay for discharge patients.
The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.
The cost of insuring money advanced to pay for general average disbursements shall also be allowed in general average.
共同海损费用垫款的保险费, 也应作为共同海损。
There was a positive correlation between wet gluten content and average day temperature and average sunshine in the same period.
The average temperature in Moscow in July is 17 degrees centigrade while the average for January is minus nine degrees centigrade.
While Confucianism emphasizes achievement and propriety, Taoism stresses the unseen strengths in being humble and, in some cases, being perceived as average.

单词 average 释义

  • 单词释义:平均的;正常的,一般的  [更多..]



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