单词 attend 例句大全,用单词attend造句:

As a sop to Rogers I had agreed not to attend the final culmination of these efforts.
作为对罗杰斯的一个安抚, 我已同意不出席大功告成的场合。
Obama, by contrast, refused to attend the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Disabled adults attend during one month. Disabled children attend during another month.
残疾的成年人在此度假一个月, 残疾儿童则度假另一个月。
He outraged his alleged victims by refusing to leave custody and attend the proceedings.
Persons who are requested to attend interviews at a given time are advised to be PUNCTUAL.
The students were to attend Professor Goalgar's lecture to have a conversation afterwards.
Each table accommodates 10 people. You are welcome to attend with other alumni and friends.
Applications must be accompanied by a registration fee for each session you wish to attend.
School administrators point out that using a double to attend class is strictly prohibited.
A few weeks later, my daughter, Vanessa, announced plans to attend her boyfriends prom.
Are you prepared to accompany the kids to school and attend their extra curricular activities?
Having basic accurate shooting ability is one of the basic requirements to attend SWAT school.
The activity"No Fake Products in Yangcheng" is going to start, are you going to attend?
This day,attend class already 20 minutes,ability fling comes to a classmate strongly attend class.
I want you to instruct them that they have to attend an important meeting to attend this afternoon.
Present for and attend local professional organizations that align with your application or product.
We are very pleased that Professor and Mrs Kao have agreed to attend the naming ceremony in early March.
Trainees are required to attend an annual internal assessment, where their progress would be ascertained.
Office facilities is made up change mechanism administration to make up general need to attend officeholder exam.
Sincere Hope with ample new old consumer incoming telegram, come soak, come here attend personally visit guidance.
She decided to attend Harvard, where she would study political theory and put her acting career on the back burner.
她决定到哈佛攻读政治理论, 暂时放下她的演艺事业。
Every year, we hold a family ceremony in memory of ancestors, and every member of our family is supposed to attend.
每年家里都要家祭, 人人都得参加。
The meeting I'm going to attend will be about the new forms of agriculture and which one today is the most productive.
Accustom thyself to attend carefully to what is said by another, and as much as it is possible, be in the speakers mind.
让你自己习惯仔细倾听他人, 尽可能感受言说者的心灵。
Welltodo canines can attend doggy daycare centers while their owners work. Pets can even accompany their owners on vacation.

单词 attend 释义

  • 单词释义:出席,参加;经常去(某地);看护;伴随;专心  [更多..]



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